Chapter 29

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Harry's POV

"Harry I cant find the keys." Sara yelled from across the room in the kitchen. I waited by the front door of the house and watched as Addison stirred in her carrier on the floor beside me. Her eyes were filled with wonder but I had to look away from her for a brief moment to answer back to Sara.

"They're on the counter next to the fruit bowl." I shouted back to her and there was silence with no reply. Today Addison has her monthly check up with the doctor and we are already running behind. We're supposed to be at the pediatrician in twenty minutes and it takes at least fifteen minutes to drive there. That's with me driving a little more generously above the speed limit.

"Are you sure-" she paused and I could hear the rustling of the keys. "Never mind I found them." She quickly moved her feet towards us and slipped on her shoes before handing the keys to me. I picked up Addison and opened the front door before we both exited the house.

The temperature had to be more than twenty degrees today which made it relatively warm for mid march around here. As we were walking, I didn't make it more than a few steps before I started to hear the sounds of clicks coming from around the corner and somewhere in front of us. I knew it was non other than the paparazzi and I could tell we were beginning to be covered from all angles. I quickly turned my head to the side to notify Sara what was going on.

"They're waiting outside our house again. I'll quickly strap Addison into her car seat and you jump in the passenger seat. I don't want to be here longer than we have to be." I instructed.

All of a sudden the clicking got louder and we could match the faces with the sounds and unfortunately it was always the same group of people that never seemed to leave us alone. That's when the questions started. We were bombarded with comments and questions and no matter what you did, it was hard to ignore them. You would think after never answering their questions they would get the hint and move on but of course they don't. It's their job and they are paid to get private answers from us. They invade your thoughts so that its had to even think straight. People assume you become accustomed to it or you just get used to it but you never do. If that's not wrong then I don't know what is.

I fumbled with the car seat for a brief second before feeling the snap of the seat belt in my hand. I rushed to start the car, grateful for our tinted windows in the back of the car. Throughout all of this, I was surprised Addison stayed relatively quiet but then again she was never really a loud baby and she has even gotten used to the constant noise in her life.

The next few hours went by quickly. When we arrived home, we were bombarded once again by more pictures and I couldn't help but sigh at the never ending cycle of being in the public eye.

Addison's checkup went smoothly like all her other ones which I was pleased with. The quick glances we would get from the doctor when Sara wasn't fully paying attention or didn't have all the answers to his questions, seemed to bother me. But what was I supposed to do? Tell the doctor, Addison sleeps good at night, oh, and by the way, I don't think the mother of my child wants to be around her daughter.

I still don't know what's going on through Sara's head but whatever it is, nothing seems to be improving. I've wanted to bring up the option again of going to talk to someone about it but I'm afraid I'll just push her away or make the situation worse. I contemplated just booking an appointment for her and forcing her to go but what good would that do? She would just resent me and we wouldn't get anywhere.

It's only a matter of time before I'll have to leave for tour and she wont have me here to help her and I worry every day something will happen when I'm on the road. I keep running through all the options in my head but Addison is so young to be traveling to all these different places and that worries me but at the same time, it worries me to think of leaving her here alone with Sara.

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