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Part One

19 August 1511
It wasn't really Sophia's fault that the King of England had taken an interest in her.
It had come so quickly, the invitation to court and such, that she had had barely any time to think.
"And when we arrive at the castle and meet the King, you must make sure to keep quiet and I'll do all the talking. Oh which dress shall I wear?"
Sophia of Wessex gazed helplessly at her elder sister, Louisa, and nodded quietly. She was not the sort of girl to interrupt, though her sister's ramblings sometimes made her want to. Her mouth twitched slightly, ready to blurt out a retort, but self-control stopped her just in time.
"....And I'll dance with the King every night, though you must make sure I don't stay up too late or I'll have dreadfully ugly shadows under my eyes, though I suppose you could cover that up...." Sophia nodded again, but she wasn't really listening too much anymore. The chattering continued though, for quite a while actually.

Half an hour later (though it felt like several hours to Sophia) they were getting into the carriage that would take them to Hampton Court Palace. It was to be a very long journey, and the girls had been given provisions for along the way.

"Do I look alright?"asked Louisa, nudging Sophia in the ribs. This was the third time she had been asked this question, but Sophia dutifully nodded, before her face twisted into a half-hidden scowl.
Louisa, however, carried on chatting away, completely undeterred. Sophia endured two hours of Louisa choosing her household out loud, and debating with her own self what gowns she might order, then finally escaped when they ate lunch (a humble basket her maid had packed).

Secretly, she wondered what the young king really looked like. He was known as the Golden Prince of Christendom, wasn't he? Sophia knew it was her duty to support her sister, and she knew that she was the younger sister. That simple fact was irritating enough, because she had less of a fortune to bring.
That hurt, but it wouldn't get in the way of her dreams.

There had been a time when the two were best friends. They would play out on the lawn together and ride their twin ponies, but Louisa had grown jealous of her sister's quiet confidence and shy nature. The hate and envy combined had made the older girl bitter and proud.

Sophia could feel an aching lump in her throat, and a stiffness in her limbs, and she tried to swallow down her anxiety. No luck. The world around her was growing blurry, and Sophia could feel her mind slipping slowly into sleep...

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