The Uncovered Truth

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A/N: Apologies, the last chapter was quite short. I've been busy lately but I thought you guys should have an update. I'll try and make up for it in this chapter. Also, in case you were wondering (and it wasn't clear in the letters) Diana is in italics and Thomas is in bold italics. Also, 10K views! Thank you so much for your support!

18th February 1522
It is but hours until you recede into a greater imprisonment than before. I pray to God that you shall live and the birth shall be as easy as it was the first two times. I also pray, as does most of England, that it will be a boy and you shall be secure in your position. Indeed, no one truly knows how long your husband's patience lasts—I doubt any sensible man would want to find out. I fear for your safety, my love, for life at court is so dangerous and you must always look twice before turning your back on someone. You never know what that someone may do to you if they are not under your eye.
I promise that I will always love you, but my love cannot and will not save you from what lies ahead. My love alone helps no one and is as hidden as you are from the world. I only wish that I could see you for one last time before you are locked away, but there are an abundance of people watching your every move and I fear I am only putting you in danger if I tried.
I just wanted to tell you that I watched you dance, that evening. I watched your grace and beauty for more than lust. I passed by your door and watched the effort that you put in to seduce your husband: a man who should be slave to you out of love and I thought of what I would I have done if my wife had danced for me like that. Truly, I would never satisfy your love of luxurious and expensive furnishings, gowns and jewellery but I would make you know that you were loved. I would make you happy.
I shall truly miss you, my love. I will love you for eternity and I shall always be here for you even when he is not.
Your humble and loving servant.


A tear rolled Diana's cheek as she finished reading Thomas's letter. She didn't deserve such a loyal, devoted man as he. The Queen placed the dim candle that she was reading by onto her nightstand and carefully pulled out the drawer until the small stack of letters was revealed at the back. By day, they were slipped into the bodice of her gowns. By night, they were concealed behind a drawer in her nightstand where no one would care to look. Carefully, Diana drew out the little stack and after untying the green ribbon, she speedily added the new letter and placed it back in its hiding spot.
After a small sigh of frustration, Diana lay down in her large bed and turned her back to the fire. Tears seeped forwards to surround her eyes, burning hot.
Sleep would not come easily to her, nor to Princess Margaret who lay in her rooms with her own cheeks wet with tears. Some kind of hollowing sadness filled the two women and it was eating away at them like maggots at rotten flesh.


John's POV
The palace stands silent as I run through the halls. I wear my soft shoes, making no noise but a soft pattering as I turn the corner to the end of the palace where Elizabeth and Esther usually stay. Ahead of me races a small, blonde figure lifting her pale blue skirts in order to move swiftly on her bare feet. I continue to chase after her, distracted only slightly by the waves of her hair that fly out behind her.

"Come back!"I call out, but she doesn't stop or even slow down. Why must she run away from me like this?"Marianne!"I say finally. Marianne comes to a halt in front of the nursery door. Her back is still to me, her pale hair catching the dim light emitted from the small candles above. I so want to reach out and run my hands through its silkiness.

"It's Mistress Westover to you,"she says quietly. I resist the impending urge to snort at the unfamiliar term.
"Marianne- "

"Lord Rochford, you forget yourself!"she exclaims, swinging around to reveal an agitated expression clearly etched on her face. "Please stop pursuing me like this! I don't see why you should, your wife is as free as I." And suddenly, it hits me. I know exactly why she is behaving this and honestly, I thought better of her that that. "Lord Rochford- "

"I know why you're doing this,"I interrupt calmly. I am rather pleased that I now have control of the conversation. Marianne gives me her sweet, innocent eyes and replies, "doing what?" I allow myself a subdued chuckle. This will irritate her, I know.
"Pushing me away, of course." Anxiety is spreading slowly across her face. I think she is realising that I know her plan and even a liar as elaborate as she cannot hide the worry that she is going to be found out. "T-t-there is no 'of course' about it. Y-y-you are married man, Lord Rochford."

"So is he,"I reply shortly. I can feel a smirk creeping into my face. I have her under my thumb, I have revealed what she intends to do. Those foolish Westovers are just as scheming and ambitious as we Starlings; I didn't think they had it in them. "W-w-what are you talking about, L-l-lord Rochford?"says Marianne, stumbling over her words as she pushes out the quickest defence she can muster.

"You know exactly what I am talking about. You are cleverer than you let on. You know that you must win favour from the His Majesty, gain a small fortune for your house before it is all lost to my kin after Diana has her prince. You also know that the King would punish you and I if we eloped because he is protective of his sister. My house has sat on the King's favour for years now our woman is on the throne of England. This is your house's last chance before Diana gives the King his heir and then what will you do? Your house and the Cavills beg for scraps?"

"Stop!"she cries in horror, running her hands over her face in desperation. But I can't stop. I am a Starling by blood and I have to uncover this.

"You were holding out for him! You won't go near a mere Earl, who would when there was a King going for sale? You want to be his mistress and supplant my sister like she did the Wessex Queeni!"

"And what will you do about it? You know what the King is like, any pretty face will lure him in quicker than his dogs on meat! It seems you are the same!" I take a step away from her. This is a new side of Marianne, a bloodthirsty plotting one that I do not like. "And if I shall be Queen I shall rule properly. Whatever leftover children from his other marriages would be hundreds of miles away in a heartbeat. People say your sister is clever, but she does not even think to remove her daughters' greatest threat!"

"That is enough,"I say firmly, shaking my head at this complete stranger. Marianne closes her mouth and scowls at me. "You're heartless, Marianne Westover. Even I would never dream of... disposing of Her Royal Highness the Princess Clara. Mark my words, you will never sit on any throne because once the King looks past your beauty... He'll see who you truly are and then..." I deliberately trail off, before turning and walking smoothly down the hall and back to my rooms leaving Marianne gawping at me behind.


Neither of them knew that Clara's rooms were just a little way off from the nursery. The utterly perplexed young girl turned away from where the conversation had been and tip-toed back to her bedchamber in silence.


"We shouldn't do this. I don't why I'm doing this, it's so dangerous,"whispered Diana. The wind whistled in her ears as she gazed up with damp eyes at the man who she thought about every moment of every day. Thomas Cromwell. She wasn't supposed to meet him again, she had promised herself that it was over between them.
"I know. That will never stop me from wanting to be alone with you,"he replied sadly. The moon was reflected on Diana's eyes as a tear formed and slid down her cheek. Her arms were shielding her belly from the cold, thin fingers gripping the warmth of her cloak desperately.
Noticing her discomfort, Thomas reached out a hand for her. Diana stared at it silently, too choked up to speak. For a few peaceful minutes the only sounds was the muted call of a far off bird. Time stood still blissfully.

"He may love you,"said Thomas suddenly, withdrawing his hand. "We cannot know for sure. Perhaps he does not know what he wants. Perhaps you're all he thinks about just like you're all I think about. But that's not the point, because he is not doing anything about it if he does love you. And if he does nothing about his love then you know that he is not your soulmate, because I..." He faltered. "I would go out of my way to tell you I loved you. Even if I knew you didn't love me back, I would tell you so that maybe one day you would have an ounce of love for me."
Diana sniffed. She put a gloved hand to her face as it crumpled, letting out a quiet whimper.

"W-w-we must try to ignore each other from now on, Thomas. We must p-p-pretend that we are barely acquainted and only speak briefly on matters of state. But we'll both always know that it shouldn't have ended like this." And with that, Thomas pulled her into a hug, wrapping his arms around her tightly as if he would never let go.

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