A Worthy Opponent

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Hey guys,
Sorry for the long update: I've been busy and got kinda sidetracked with a bunch of other story ideas. Hopefully this is a satisfactory chapter for now and I will try and update a bit more afterwards. Enjoy!

Marianne's POV
Well now that Verity has stupidly run off towards that carriage with her skirts crumpled in her hands, I think I shall walk as slowly as possible. Leia and the other two—their insignificant names escape me at this moment—don't need both of us to greet them. They're not that important. I'd rather my hair stay in the place that took an hour to perfect than look like an enthusiastic idiot. Verity manages that perfectly well.

I can see from here the three girls climb out of the carriage. Their faces are too far away to truly judge their prettiness, but I already know for a fact that the bastard daughter Cecily isn't much to look at. Last time I saw Katharine, she was developing a reasonably good-looking face but I could sense some childishness that probably won't have gone away. And Leia... how can I even begin to speculate on Leia? People still whisper about her supposed 'witchcraft' when she 'seduced' the King four years ago. Not that I care; she's just another of the crowd that I must stand out in. Shouldn't be too hard, I think.

As I get closer, more and more of my cousins come into view. Verity, being the complete ninny that she is, has decided to do guess what? Throw her arms around Leia like she's about to die! Cecily is as milk-faced and simple-looking as I expected. Katharine I take in briefly, but there isn't much potential there. Finally, I reach them.
Why isn't Cecily the Bastard curtsying? Or why, for that matter, isn't Katharine? I could strangle them—
Breathe, Marianne. Breathe.

"Mistress Katharine. Mistress Cecily," I give each of the silly girls a very short nod—all they deserve—and turn my attentions to Verity and Leia. They seem to have merged into one person by now, so I won't deign to address Leia until Verity has collected herself like she should. Honestly, the girl has no dignity. She'll never be Queen.

"Verity," I say loudly, with a calculated touch of sourness in my voice to convey how annoyed I am at her. My sister untangles herself from our cousin slowly and unwillingly, pouting a little but obeying anyway. Wise move, little sister. You are learning.
"Marianne," replies Verity, stepping aside and therefore away from me (I can't think why) to reveal Leia's full person. "What do you want?"
"She's come to judge us,"puts in Leia, her tone so challenging that I am actually impressed. "Judge away, Cousin." She takes a dauntless step forwards and stares at me straight in the face. God, has she changed.

All the childish cheek fat has miraculously melted away to reveal a jawline nearly as structured as my own; her eyes seem darker and more mysterious than before, complete with a scheming glint. That foolish sixteen-year-old of four years ago seems to have been erased; this is not the Leia Westover I knew and hated. This is a threat.

"Have you finished yet?" she demands boldly, folding her arms but keeping her eye-line directly on me. "Are you gonna let us through yet? Or do I have to pay some sort of 'court-joining' fee?" Who does she think she is? The Queen of England or something? That role is reserved for me!
"Of course not," I throw back haughtily, "unless you want to pay one?"
"I think I'll pass. You'll have to find somewhere else to fund your wardrobe, I'm afraid." I have to say, I am very surprised. Leia seems to have picked up the rare gift of perfect sarcasm in wherever place she's spent the last couple of years in. I glance at Verity and the others, but they all seem encapsulated by Leia. Their eyes are glossed over, gazing in wonder at her like she's some sort of goddess. Hmph. I don't like that. My fists clench in self-control: I am one step away from smacking my cousin, or one of the others. Ugh, Leia's been here five minutes and she's made me this angry? I already hate her.

"I'll just ask the King," I taunt arrogantly. "He seems to like me. Such a shame you didn't take your chance when you had it." I turn my back triumphantly, ready to walk away, but Leia has to spoil it. She just had to go there.
"You're digging your own grave, Marianne Westover. I only just got out of mine and now I have a life to lead. You might just find the King sprinkling soil over your dead body..."
How dare she? I cannot give the tart on her high horse the luxury of seeing how angry I am, so I march off towards the palace without another word.

That might be the first battle of wits I've ever lost. But it shall be the last.


The King of England lounged on the chair in his study, holding some report in his hand. It was the same one that he had been reading half an hour ago, but he lacked the energy to put it away or reply. His eyes were almost shut anyway, drooping a little at a time. Just a minute from sleep...

Suddenly, a rap on the door made Henry jolt in his chair and snap back into reality. He fumbled with his pen and inkwell, grabbing a fresh parchment and placing it so it looked like he'd actually made some progress. "Enter."
A messenger walked in, gulping at the steely gaze he received from the King. "Your Majesty, the Dowager Duchess of Exeter and her ladies have arrived at court. Where shall we show them to?"

"Who's this?"asked Henry lazily, his mind still functioning like it was stuck in treacle. "The Dowager Duchess of..."
"Exeter, Your Majesty."
"Give her some nice quarters. Also, find out why this Duchess wants to stay at court, because I didn't summon her here." The King set down his pen. "Out of curiosity, what is the Duchess's maiden name?"
The servant thought for a moment. "I believe her maiden name to be Westover, Your Majesty. Leia Westover." He bowed and left the room. Henry's eyes widened. What in God's name? Leia was married? A Duchess? Was this what one of those letters he had received and not bothered to open had been about? How else could he not have heard about this?
But by far the most surprising thing was the fact that Henry wasn't surprised by this news. Leia had told him she would be married. Why had he presumed she was making excuses? And why now did he understand? He wasn't infatuated with her anymore...

Was he?

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