The Wheel of Fortune Pt. 1

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A/N: I just wanted to thank you guys for reading my story for so long! This is our fiftieth chapter and I felt the need to thank some of my readers who have tirelessly voted for every chapter and supported me along the way:

These readers have amazing books too and they have supported my story for so long. I know that there are so many more of you and I am sorry I couldn't mention everyone because I don't know all the readers who read this story (you can make yourself known in the comments if you want, don't be shy! :) Hope you guys enjoy chapter 50!

28th February 1522

It had started early on the morning of the last day of February. To the ladies around her, this was reason to panic and pray for such an early baby, but for Diana it was expected.
She watched the frantic ladies-in-waiting rush about grabbing the clean linen that had been folded in a cupboard for use in another month's time, hurry off to tell the priests to pray for the prince who would be completely healthy. They didn't understand why Diana lay there calmly, her hands folded, eyes gazing at the ceiling. The Queen of England didn't see a reason to worry, to pray, to rush about. She was used to this process.
"My Lady, we have informed His Majesty the King,"said Catherine anxiously, clutching a piece of linen as if it would ward off evil.
Diana just smiled. It was to be a long day.


It was a boy. A boy for England, a boy for Henry and a boy for the Starlings.
A boy to be King of England, a boy to be the pawn of his great-grandfather, a boy to secure fortune for the Starlings.
Diana gazed down at her son proudly. She was more than relieved to see that her son was dark-haired and dark-eyed, rather than light brown like his biological father.
"You could have done better,"remarked the Duke of Norfolk, peering down at his grandson. "We wanted a ginger or blonde Tudor boy like your first child, a son to be the living image of his father. What use have we for a line of gypsy children like you seem to be in the way of producing?" Diana ignored him.

"You should be grateful that there is a son, My Lord,"muttered Sir James to his father. "The fact that he is dark haired like his mother is only proof that the Prince of Wales is a true Starling." The two men gazed down at Diana, who lay silently on the bed with her son.

"Neither of you seem to care the effort and pain I have to go through to produce your so-called 'line of gypsy children',"said Diana sharply. "What does it matter that his hair and eyes are of my blood? At least he is healthy and will inherit his father's good looks! It seems that there is nothing I can do to please you! Why don't you leave me alone then, with my gypsy prince, if you wish to forsake him?" Diana's uncle and grandfather stared in shock. "GO!"

"My Lady- "began Catherine, stepping forwards.

"Don't you start, my two-faced cousin. Remember that you are the daughter of an unholy marriage, a bastard in God's eyes and a squire's bastard at that. And as for the rest of you,"she said, turning to Mary, Marianne, Verity and Rebecca. "You are in my service and have sworn the oath of loyalty. If any of you ever forget your place... just remember that there is always another Starling girl to replace you. You are all replaceable and I very much doubt anyone would miss you. I am your Queen and whether you like it or not you are sworn faithful. You may go, I would like to be alone with my prince."
As the ladies left, stiff with fright, Diana re-positioned the baby in her arms. She knew that soon he, as a Prince of Wales, would be torn from her and driven away to Ludlow Castle. She would miss his childhood as she had missed her daughters', barely seeing them and being so unfamiliar that it was hard to believe they were mother and children.

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