Half Smiles

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"Thank you for leading my country for me, Margaret, while I was away. I trust there have been no problems?"said the King, kissing his sister on the cheek and gazing down at her expensive green gown.
"Well since we are still wasting away here in our finery, I don't think there are any problems,"replied Diana from behind Margaret, standing up from her chair and making her way towards the King. She was careful to hide the fact that she was incredibly nervous, since she and the King had not parted on particularly good terms, and if he found out about her affair.... that would be the last straw.

"Diana,"the King said shortly as she curtseyed in front of him.
"Your Majesty,"she replied in a seductive tone. Henry grinned and leaned down to peck her hand before pulling Diana into a strong kiss.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to forget that Thomas Cromwell was in the same room as them and staring. Margaret and Cromwell shared a look, both rolling their eyes.
"Am I here for a reason?"asked Margaret, folding her arms.
"His Majesty has obviously forgotten what went on before the war,"whispered John in Margaret's ear, his arm snaking around her waist.

"What was that, John?" said Henry, pulling away from Diana and glaring at John. He kept his arm firmly around Diana's waist.
"Nothing, Your Majesty,"replied John, bowing slightly.

"Congratulations, by the way,"continued the King, walking towards the door slowly while pulling Diana along. "On becoming Earl of Rochford. My sister spoils you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty,"answered John humbly.
"I hope you have prepared a suitable banquet and ball, Margaret, to celebrate my victory?"
"Yes, Your Majesty,"replied Margaret, nodding her head. "I hope Your Majesty will be pleased."

The King nodded in acknowledgment and lead Diana out of the throne room. They passed Thomas Cromwell on the way out, and Diana skilfully avoided his jealous gaze. She didn't want to have to deal with it, not now the King had forgotten about their argument. All she hoped for was that the King came to her bed as soon as possible so as to conceal the fact that she was already with child.

After the King and Queen of England had left, Margaret glanced between Cromwell and John.
"Do you think he has forgotten?"she asked, tucking her arm into the crook of John's elbow.

"For the sake of Her Majesty, I hope so,"replied Thomas tiredly. "Because he nearly ruined the peace in this realm the last time. I hope His Majesty has forgotten and it can all go back to how it was."


"Bring some more meat for Her Majesty,"ordered the King to a servant. Diana smiled, trying to hide the fact that she felt sick and did not want meat. They sat at the head of the long table, watching the young people of court dance to the lively music.

Diana watched Henry tear the meat of a leg roughly, feeling rather repulsed, and nibbled a little bit of the pile of loins that a servant had dumped onto her plate. The King had probably not had such an extravagant feast since he had left, so it was understandable the number of plates of meat he went through, but Diana found it disgusting all the same.

She could see out of the corner of her eye that Henry was staring at a little circle of dancing girls in the corner: Verity and Marianne Westover, Rebecca Cavill and Mary Sutherland. It occurred to her that Henry had never seen three of these girls, and jealousy roared up inside her like a forest-fire.

"Your Majesty, may I present a few newcomers to court in your absence?"she asked, beckoning for the girls to come over.
The King put down a large venison bone and folded his arms.
"Why not?"

"Mistress Rebecca Cavill. She is new at court, come to be my lady-in-waiting in the place of her cousin Sorrel." Rebecca curtsied, bobbing her head respectfully.
The corner of Henry's mouth curved upwards into a half-grin.

"Mistress Rebecca. What takes your cousin away from court?"asked the King, staring intently at her face.
Rebecca remained silent, her eyes returning the unfriendly stare from the King.
"You will answer His Majesty,"said Diana, not unkindly, but her eyes betrayed clear demand.

"I do not know, Your Majesty, but I suspect that she will be getting married soon. My uncle's only concern is that she will not be a maiden on her wedding day."
The King carried on staring at Rebecca, feeling rather threatened. She did not shift her gaze.

"Mistress Cavill, you may return to dancing. It seems—ah—Edmund Westover wishes to dance with you,"said Diana imperiously, at which both Marianne and Verity looked around to see their cousin and Leia's brother standing patiently behind them.

"Actually Your Majesty, I—"he began, glancing at his cousins, but Diana raised her eyebrows and smiled.
"That is settled. I think you shall make an excellent match."
The pair strode off quietly, Edmund politely offering his arm to Rebecca, who took it gently.

"May I present my other ladies, Mistress Verity Westover and Mistress Marianne Westover,"continued Diana, and the two young women stepped forwards.
The King, still rather take aback by Rebecca's attitude, looked from the wide grin of Verity to the half-smile of Marianne.
"Welcome to court, ladies. Diana, will you dance?"he asked, snapping his head round to his wife.

"Of course, Your Majesty,"replied Diana. The dancing couples in the centre of the room stopped and cleared off to the sides to make way for the King and Queen.
The King marched off to the right, Diana to the left around their table.
"Play...a Volta,"ordered Henry to the fiddlers. The whole court watched as their beautiful Queen dressed in a magnificent crimson gown and their handsome King made their way to the centre of the room.
As the music started, the King bowed to his wife, a lusty grin on his face. Diana, keeping a fixed seductive smile, dropped a low curtesy.
Tonight with the King would be simple, if this was the mood he was in.


"Did you miss me?"asked the King, taking off his shirt and sitting down on the bed.
The servants had been dismissed, leaving the King and Queen alone in their bedchamber. Diana tilted her head, smirking slightly. She had settled herself into the most desirable position she could think of on the bed: her mane of hair was let loose down her back, the loose night gown was falling short of her shoulders with the stitches holding the front together pulled taut over her breasts.
"As much as you missed me,"she replied.
Henry carefully lay down next to her. "That's what I like about you, Diana. You always have an answer for everything."
"Like you, then."
They shared a knowledgeable smirk, the blue eyes locked onto the green. After a minute or so, Henry turned over and blew out the candle, causing the room to fall dark.

"Why did you blow out the candle?"asked Diana her eyes scanning for movement in the darkness.
Suddenly, the King pressed his mouth on hers firmly, then kissed her forehead.
"Rest tonight, sweetheart."

He pulled her into his arms, and was asleep in five minutes.
However, Diana stayed awake worrying about what she was going to tell her grandfather and uncle in the morning.


"So he only came to your bed to sleep,"said the Duke of Norfolk resoundingly, glaring at Diana.

"Yes,"she confirmed, watching Sir James as he paced across the room.

The two men shared a worried glance. "He seemed enthralled by you in the feast. The way the King danced with you, people would say he loved you,"said Sir James.

"He didn't, do you understand? I don't care how convincing he might have behaved before, he did not have me and that is final!"retorted Diana hotly.

"Then next time you must do it,"whispered the Duke quietly.

"Me?"asked Diana in surprise. "The King would never let a woman dominate him, he's too proud."

"Then you must take his pride. Dance tonight, alone, in that large room in your chambers. Dance until he comes to you and see how everything plays out,"ordered Sir James. Diana scowled at the way he treated her like she was stupid, but nodded.

If she made any mistakes, she would have to poison the child inside her to hide it. Only God knew what may curse her if she murdered her own child.

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