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Suddenly, Sophia was standing in a hall, magnificent and tall but strangely empty and eerie. And why was it light when there were no windows or lamps?
The world seemed hazy and vague, like the very idea of a room made by someone who did not know what the real thing looked liked. A small cloud of mist was floating around Sophia's feet.

"Lady Sophia,"said a low voice from the shadows, and a man stepped into her view. His face was dark and unreadable, but strangely familiar even so. "You have come for me, I presume?" Sophia tried to take a step back, but something held her still.
"Don't try to run away,"he said, reading her mind, "for you'll always end up here again."

By now, Sophia's whole body was shaking with fear as the figure moved closer to her. She could hear his rasping breath in her ear.
"W-w-who are you?"she trembled. He laughed gently, and leaned closer to her ear.
"Why the King, of course. And you have been very bad Sophia. Very bad indeed."

Sophia screamed as he grabbed her arms and everything dissolved. Now it was just flashes, foggy glimpses of happenings: her marrying a demonic King; her riding on a horse with demon maids and ladies-in-waiting; plump nursemaid handing her a scrawny devil baby....

Sophia screamed, feeling the whole kingdom bearing down on her, and fell backwards.

But as the crowds grew closer, a quiet voice was coming from behind her whispering "Sophia? Sophia, what are you doing?"
And she was suddenly back in the carriage with Louisa leaning over her head saying "Sophia, Sophia!" Louisa. Sophia thought a minute then sat up.
"What happened?"she asked.

The Other Henry VIIIWhere stories live. Discover now