The Crown of a Sinner

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The sunshine came beaming through the windows at dawn, beating down upon Diana's bare back as she rolled over in bed. She climbed out, yawning, and closed the curtains. It felt very early, and she had gone to sleep late last night.

The wine was making her suffer now, it was beating the inside of her head like an internal hammer, so Diana dizzily got back in bed. She moaned, clasping her head in pain, and turned over; her eyes rested upon the sleeping face of a man.

"AHHHH!"screamed Diana, and fell off the bed. "Henry?!"
The man sat up, rubbing his eyes, and leaned over the side of the bed to look at her.
"I am not the King, Diana,"he said quietly. She gazed upwards, hastily rubbing the dust out of her eyes, and came face to face with Thomas Cromwell.

"What are you doing here?"she hissed, standing up and going over to the wash basin.
"I was here last night.... do you not remember?"
"No,"said Diana, rinsing her face tiredly, "I had so much wine that night..."
"Well, to be perfectly honest, I don't remember anything as well. But I hope it didn't go too far."
Suddenly, there came the sound of footsteps from outside the door, growing closer every second.

"You must get out!"she cried in a panicked whisper. Cromwell jumped out of bed and threw on his clothing as fast as a whip cracking, and he looked around for a way out.

"Quickly!"persisted Diana hysterically, pushing him away from the door as she tied the strings of her nightgown hurriedly.

"My lady?"asked Sorrel Cavill from outside, "His Majesty would like to speak with you."
"Coming!"she called out hastily, watching as Thomas climbed out of the window, and dropped into the bushes below.
Diana ran to the door and opened it, smiling at the surprised face of her lady-in-waiting.
"Yes, Sorrel?"she said, shaking her wild curls out of her face carefully.
"The King has asked that you come downstairs, my lady,"repeated Sorrel.

"What am I to wear? Anything in particular?"she questioned, going over to her cherrywood wardrobe and opening it.
Sorrel gulped at the colourful contents, and said "yes. He would like you to wear this."

Two maids came in, one holding a dress, the other a cape and a box of jewels:
Diana's eyes widened at the gown, which was a striking shade of scarlet. It was made of expensive velvet, and decorated with a gold band on the low square neckline and waist; the gold satin, which was as plentiful as the velvet itself, was studded with tiny jewels on every inch.
It was the most beautiful gown she had ever been given by the King.

Diana had forgotten how much she loved scarlet and gold, not since the fashion had been blue (if you could afford it), and she gasped with joy at the matching fur-trimmed cape.

"Tell His Majesty that I am very grateful, but why do I need this dress?"said Diana, trying to stop the vain girl inside her from leaping forwards and stroking the gown.

"He has asked that it remains a secret until he talks to you ,"said Catherine, who entered after Sorrel looked lost for a moment.
Diana nodded, and let herself be dressed in the gown by her maids.  Inside felt smooth and soft, lined with satin and soft fur, and the shape hugged her body in all the right places.

"That dress looks wonderful on you, Diana,"said Catherine, who was the only lady allowed to call the Queen by her Christian name.
"Yes, it looks beautiful!"choruses the maids, Sorrel, and Mary (who had come in to help with the hanging gold band on the skirt).

Diana admired herself in the mirror. She could see her ladies-in-waiting looking at themselves in it from behind her, trying to catch a clear glimpse of themselves. Silly things she thought, running her hands over the velvet dress in delight.

Catherine coughed, and the maids hurried forwards to do Diana's hair and jewellery.

"How was your sleep, my lady?"asked Mary cheerily, as she skilfully pulled the Queen's hair back into a chignon.
Diana thought of Thomas Cromwell, and nearly snorted, but she smiled at Mary carefully.
"Well, Mary, thank you, but could you ask the physician for something? I had a lot of wine last night and my mind feels very hazy."
Mary nodded, and sent one of the maids off as she set in a silver comb to hold the hair in place. Diana sighed, and rubbed her head agitatedly.

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