A Thorn in my Side

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Verity nodded nervously, before hurrying into the Great hall. Margaret sat idly on her throne, listening to the gossip of the court as an ambassador read out the daily reports in a slow, uninteresting manner.
What a waste. Margaret may be a great leader, thought Verity, but she had no interest in matters of business.

Verity slipped into the room, weaving in and out of the crowds of people. Little snippets of gossip reached her ears as she went:
"She'll never know."
"That wench will be back!"
"They say the King has taken a mistress!"
"We don't need more Westover girls at court!"
Verity smirked at this last one. She glanced back to see Sir James Starling arguing rapidly with his father.

"What do you do here, Mistress Westover?"asked a smooth, clear voice. Verity snapped round to see the bored face of Princess Margaret gazing into her own with such a exhausted air that she seemed quite oblivious to the ambassador's droning monotone in front of them.

"My Lady,"said Verity quickly, dropping a curtsy as she felt the whole court's eyes on her. "I am very sorry to interrupt." Margaret nearly snorted (she had been close to falling asleep) but swiftly regained her composure. "Not at all,"and, with a smirk, "I am sure Sir Richard Cavill doesn't mind waiting a little." To Verity's surprise, every single nobleman and woman burst out laughing. The only person who did not laugh was Sir Richard himself, who flushed and glared at this family furiously.

"My Lady..."Verity continued as the laughter died down. "There are two persons at the door who wish me to announce them."

"Well, who are they?"asked Margaret, still a little pink from laughing. "Actually... just tell the herald. Lucy! You may go and show these guests in!" Margaret waved her hand dismissively.

Verity hurried over to the herald and whispered the names in his ear as a stout maid tottered by.

"Lord Bradley and Mistress Anna Talbot here to see Her Grace Lady Diana Westerly and Lady Louisa Bradley!"

Margaret's eyes widened as she stood up to behold the two guests enter and stroll towards her. There was no mistaking Anna Talbot: she was as pretty as ever if a little weary. The girl had aged well in the past eight years; the only slight giveaway was the shadows under her eyes and the thickening of her once girlish frame.

Lord Bradley, however, she had only ever seen once and briefly.

The day a kind and helpful Diana had announced that she was to be married to the King of England.

The day Margaret met the love of her life.

The day her life changed forever.

Lord Bradley though, had not had a part in it. He had turned up on royal land, abused his wife without reason and then disappeared. Vanished. Yet the thing that stuck in Margaret's mind was the thunderstruck expression on Lord Bradley's face as they had rode away. One of admiration. Perhaps lust?

"Your Majesty,"Lord Bradley drawled, taking Margaret's hand without asking and kissing it.

The Queen Regent recoiled and, ignoring him completely, marched down from her platform towards Anna Talbot.

The onlookers at court, watching with malice and curiosity, couldn't help compare the two women as they stood face to face. Equal.

Anna Talbot, blonde and pretty, gazed up at the younger woman with a contemptuous look as if she were ridiculing a child and not the Regent Queen. Her pale eyes met Margaret's blue ones coldly. Margaret, despite being nowhere near as fair of face as Anna, stood straight and regal as she glared down her nose. The jewelled hood atop her head glistened almost menacingly.

"You have the nerve to show up here, after what you have done? I'm surprised you weren't hanged for drugging the King." Margaret spoke plainly, the calmness in her voice causing Anna to fidget in irritation.

" I'm surprised the King gave his crown to you, after that silly affair with Her Grace's brother. I bet if the King had been in a foul mood that day, it would have been the true Queen on the throne at this moment. You would have been married off to another ancient European monarch and John Westerly might even have been imprisoned for treason. It's interesting how matters played out, isn't it?"

There was silence for no more than three seconds before Margaret fired back "you speak of this 'treason' so freely, Mistress Anna. Surely you remember that His Majesty himself banished you from court? Perhaps not. How about these past years? Would you like to tell the court what you have been up to? Is your companion aware of the reason you have been brought down so low?"

The simple questions caused Anna Talbot to flush crimson. No, Edward did not know why her status in society had plummeted. He had assumed she was a noblewoman of some account.

"Anna,"asked Lord Bradley slowly, "of what does Her Majesty speak?"

The whole court, who had been watching this conversation with interest, turned to face Anna. She gulped.

"For these last five years, I have served as..."Anna sighed. She couldn't bear to say it in front of Lord Bradley. What would he think of her?

"We are waiting."

"A prostitute! There, I said it. After losing my place in Queen Sophia's household, the only job a pretty girl like I was had to be a prostitute. No-one accepted me. I was disgraced!"

"Why didn't you tell me, Anna?"asked Lord Bradley in a low voice, turning to his companion as if realising what was happening.

"I—"began Anna, but she was interrupted by the entry of Diana Westerly, rightful Queen of England and her ladies.

Anna smiled. She had always admired Diana for her beauty, wit and charm that had lead to her ascending to the throne.
"Your Grace,"Anna whispered quietly, dropping a low curtsy as if to show the court where she placed her respect.
Acknowledging this, the court dropped low too as Diana marched towards the centre of the room with a little clink clink of her shoes.

"I was not aware that we were holding a party,"said Diana sarcastically, raising an eyebrow at Anna and Lord Bradley.
"Perhaps not, but are you aware of who our guests are?"replied Margaret in identical tone.

"Well everyone knows who that is,"stated Diana flatly, pointing at Anna. "That's Henry's old whore. And him..." Her eyes widened as the memories came flooding back to her. She did remember who the man was. But...

But she was not the same careless girl who had been there.

But she was not young and cowardly in the face of trouble like she had been there.

She, Diana Westerly, was a wholly different woman to the one who had briefly seen this man.

That was long ago...

"Your Grace!"cried Verity, rushing forwards towards Diana as she collapsed on the cold stone floor.

As Diana was carried out, attended by Verity and Catherine, the whole court turned back to Anna.

"Anna-"began Lord Bradley, but Margaret interrupted:

"William, please show our guests to some rooms. Separate ones. We shall continue with this discussion in the evening."

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