Let the Dust Settle

720 37 6

16th December 1522

Marianne's POV
It finally happened. All my months of hard work and attempts have finally paid off. I have triumphed where no-one in my family has. I am in the King's bed and God, how comfortable it is! I could get used to this, living a life of luxury with these silk sheets and smooth pillows while we spend our nights together. I don't want to open my eyes.
I lift my head sleepily and turn over, rubbing my sleep-filled eyes daintily. There he is, eating the food the servants leave for the courtiers (though I'm sure he gets much more than I do) with only his breeches on. My eyes automatically trace his tanned, muscular back with satisfaction as I sit up, making sure to position myself alluringly. He hears the bed move and turns around.

"Ah, you're awake. It's just after dawn, you should be able to return to your apartments without any trouble," says the King dismissively and tosses me my undergarments and the main part of my gown. Persuade him! I think quickly, catching my clothes. "Wouldn't Your Majesty prefer it if I stay?"I reply with a perfectly calculated edge to my voice. That should do it, who can resist my charming voice?
"I've had enough to last me for days, Mistress Westover. Get dressed as fast as you can and hurry back to your chambers." And with that, he returns to eating the fruit and meat. My whole body freezes up at this rejection: I'm Marianne Westover, the most charismatic and attractive woman at court. How can the King of England just send me back to my apartments? I put on my clothes sulkily, taking a long time because Verity usually helps me, and the King immediately herds me to the door and mostly closes it in my face. By now, I am silently fuming at my treatment, considering we just spent the night together, but then he has to finish the whole affair with, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience. It won't happen again." And then, a door slams in my face.
I am left to wander out of all these anti-chambers back to the Westover quarters and face my idiotic family. Ugh, how they will scold me. I think I shall show off to them and shave off the shameful parts, parading my breakthrough with all the feathers but none of the dirt. They don't need to know that I was kicked out. They don't need to know that His Majesty had the balls to call me my cousin's name when it most mattered.

At last, I reach my apartments and sneak in quietly. All seems to be quiet: Verity is sprawled across her bed partly dressed, snoozing softly, and Leia is curled up in the best armchair as if she had been too tired to go to her bed. I presume Milk-Face and Flirt are asleep too. What a lovely time it is to wake them. I am about to announce loudly that I have returned, when none other than Flirty Katharine steps out from behind the door leading to her room.
Her arms are folded and her lips are pursed, hair falling wildly down her back. I freely let myself laugh at how unpresentable she is while I am pristine and her brow furrows even more.

"Where have you been, Cousin Marianne?" And suddenly, Milk-Face is raising her head from the back-facing couch and Verity is propping herself up on her elbow with an expression of pure rage etched on her face. Do they honestly think this is intimidating? For me? I fold my arms slowly, smirking and sitting down on a chair to harness my power. They are still younger than me and probably still afraid. "Places."
Katharine raises her eyebrows and Verity openly scoffs. "Specifically?"cuts in Milk-Face, getting to her feet and going to stand next to Katharine. At least Leia is still asleep otherwise this 'ganging up' on me might actually be scary. And so, taking my time to speak the words, I reply proudly, "In the King's bed."

It is as if I have starting a fire in the room. Katharine shrieks in the most high-pitched voice I have ever heard, Cecily slams her fist against the card table and Verity throws herself at me. All at once, we are all arguing and shouting over each other. The stupid girls don't seem to understand that there is nothing they can do it about it: the deed is done and I have been chosen by the King.

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