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22 September 1511
I can do this, I can do this!"thought Sophia to herself, putting on a brave smile, the kind you give whether you're happy if not. She stood at the front door in the crimson and gold dress and headdress she had worn on the first day at Hampton Court waiting for her parents' carriage to arrive. They would be happy, at least. But Louisa...who knew?
"Earl Thomas, Countess Margaret and Lady Louisa of Wessex,"announced a footman, and Sophia instantly stopped daydreaming. She watched as the carriage door opened and two women and a man stepped out. Sophia strode towards the. Her mother spotted her and nudged her father. "Look, Thomas! There's our girl!"
"Mother, Father, Louisa!"she cried and hugged her mother tightly. "It's so good to see you after a so long!"
"And you, Sophia! I am so happy for you!"squealed the Countess.
"How are you, Sophia?"asked Earl Thomas in a more serious tone.
"Very well, Father. I have been treated very well."
"I'm pleased to hear that,"smiled Earl Thomas and hugged his daughter. Louisa hung back, biting her lip.
"Louisa?"whispered Sophia, taking a step towards her sister. "Are you annoyed at me?" Louisa suddenly became very interested in her shoes.
"Louisa,"said Earl Thomas, raising his eyebrows. Louisa looked up and relaxed when she saw Sophia's kind smile and she did the sisterly thing to do. Louisa hugged Sophia tightly, closing her eyes.
"I thought my heart had broken! I felt so lonely without you." Sophia smiled then broke away. "Please come through this way." They entered the hall and a maid stepped forwards to show them their rooms. As the three left, Sophia checked around then ran off down the hall and burst into the throne room where Henry was conversing with an unfamiliar woman.
"Oh, I'm sorry, shall I—"began Sophia, taking a step back.
"No, no, Sophia. I was just about to send a servant to fetch you. I would like to introduce you to my sister, Margaret." The lady turned to her and smiled, curtsying.
"Hello, Sophia. I hope we will become good friends,"she said. Margaret was not beautiful, but her face was warm and framed with long straight dark hair.
"Margaret, would you mind ever so much if Sophia and I talked alone?"said the King.
"Of course not, Your Majesty,"she said and left the room. Sophia crossed the room and stood in front of the King.
"Come closer!"he said, "sit on my knee. I shall have a new throne made for you once we are married." Sophia obediently sat on his knee.
"Your Majesty, I just greeted my family." The King smiled.
"And how was it? They were not angry, were they?"he replied. Sophia shook her head.
"On the contrary, they were very happy for me,"she said. The King nodded wisely.
"Of course. I knew they wouldn't be." He kissed her. "They have no reason to."
"I know, but I did worry even so,"said Sophia. "Oh well. Our wedding is tomorrow, and I do not want anything to spoil our special day."
"I agree,"said the King.

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