Pain, Suffering and Betrayal

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The palace was in an uproar, to put it lightly.
There was to be a feast and a ball to celebrate the prospect of an heir to the throne. King Henry had never been seen more jovial and happy; even on his wedding day. Sophia, however, just wanted to be alone with a book—and an apple of course—in the drawing room while her husband sorted out the balls.

15 January 1512
The palace seemed very still. Too still. Sophia felt her stomach—but it was flat. 'Where's my child?' she thought, running frantically from room to room. Everything was empty, shrouded in mist, until she came upon a room where Henry sat inside. Sophia crept inside. The King sat on his usual armchair, holding a baby in his arms. 'Mine?'thought Sophia but something felt wrong. Just then, a woman walked into the room and sat on Henry's knee. They smiled at each other, and the girl took the baby from Henry's arms and cradled it gently. 'So beautiful,' said Henry, smiling, 'just like you.' The girl looked up, and Sophia saw with a fright that it was Anna Talbot. 'Do you love me more than her?' Anna asked daringly. Henry laughed. 'Of course! Look what the wretch gave me!' He pointed to a basket in the corner, where another baby lay, obviously a girl. Anna joined in his laughter and her baby boy seemed to laugh as well. 'No! Henry! Please! Please!'
"Sophia, wake up! Sophia!"said a voice. Sophia sat bolt upright in bed, panting heavily.
"Oh..."whimpered Sophia and buried herself in the King's shoulder.
"Ssh, sweetheart. It was a nightmare,"he whispered soothingly into her hair, cradling her in his arms. "What was it about?"
"I cannot speak of it,"replied Sophia lightly, turning away. She stroked her swollen belly gently and was glad to feel the baby kick back.
"Feel,"she said, taking Henry's hand and placed it on her stomach. The baby kicked again. The King laughed happily, and kissed Sophia's hair.
"I was wondering what we should call our son,"he said thoughtfully. "Maybe Henry? Or Edward? Or maybe Richard?"
"But what if it's a girl?"asked Sophia quietly.
"It won't be! Now how about we call him—" Sophia turned over and grabbed his arm.
"What if it isn't? I'll still love her. Will you?" And with that, Sophia faced the other way and pulled the blankets over her.
"I love you too,"Henry whispered quietly, and he wondered why he had effectively told his pregnant wife that he wouldn't love his child if it were a girl.

5 June 1512
Sophia had forgiven Henry, of course, but she was still a little chilled by what he had said. She was now massive—8 months pregnant—and was becoming less able to move around without help. She still did her best to be a good queen; especially now that Henry was having to deal with rebels in Calais. Sophia grew more and more worried that the baby she was carrying was going to be a girl—or worse, a stillborn—and even though people at court constantly told her not to stress as it might harm the baby, Sophia was still anxious.
She had announced that she would like all her handmaidens except Anna Talbot, plus Henry's sister, by her side in labour to which Anna promptly raged at. Every day has felt like the one before until this day, Sophia thought. Something tells me today will be different.
And she was right, in a way.
Sophia strode into her bedchamber, that night, slightly disappointed in the normality of the day, to find her husband and Anna Talbot alone in her room.
And they were kissing. In her bed.
Sophia screamed and staggered backwards against the door.  Her child kicked in retaliation. Henry and Anna sat up, barely clothed, and gasped simultaneously.
"Sophia! Sophia wait!"cried the King, bolting out of bed and running towards her as she pushed opened the doors and fled. Anna Talbot lay back, smiling, and twisting a strand of platinum blond hair around her little finger.
Henry followed Sophia, and he should have caught her, being pregnant, but he was groggy and tired. His head hurt like a thousand hammers banging against his skull as well. He didn't remember inviting Anna Talbot to his bed.....
At last, he ran though the door Sophia had disappeared into and grabbed her around the waist, holding her belly as she cried out in pain and heartbreak.
That same night, Sophia went into labour.

Early morning on the 6 June 1512...
All Sophia had felt for ten hours was pain.
She had walked into her own bedchamber to find her husband with another woman. A woman that she had not wanted in her household. Then, she had ran stupidly as far as she could until the King had caught her and tried to calm her, but she had gone into early labour before she could take a rest. And now, at about 5am the next morning she was still in labour.
Her heart was breaking, slowly, as she replayed that moment over in her mind as the night dragged on. It all seemed such a blur though and another five hours passed before Sophia recollected herself and started to really try. No matter how much she was angry at Henry now, her child had come from when he still wholly loved her. Nothing could change that.
"Please keep going!"cried a voice: Mary's voice. "Don't stop Your Majesty! Nearly there."
Well. Thought Sophia. They've been saying that for the last seven hours. When will it be true? She screamed in pain again, and her voice box burned inside her throat.
"Henry!"she called and her voice echoed across the palace.

Meanwhile, the King was on the other side of the palace. He was very angry, at himself and of course Anna. He knew he had to speak to her.
"Anna Talbot!"he cried, trying to block out the distant screams of his wife.
"Yes, Your Majesty?"she said, curtsying low. He silently fumed at the smirk on her face.
"I would like to speak with you. And not on friendly terms,"he added as she made to kiss him.
"You are not my mistress. I will not allow you to be my mistress. You have wounded my wife deeply and because of you, she may not deliver a healthy child."
"It is not all my fault,"replied Anna desperately, "you wanted it too. Didn't you?"
"You drugged me. As far as I am concerned, your time at the palace is at an end. You will leave here at noon. Please go and pack your things."
Anna dropped to the ground and as she passed the King, she whispered "I only drugged you to make your passion run freely. If she does not survive, I am willing." Henry grabbed her arm and growled, "say one more word and your head will be gone before the day is finished."
Anna hurried away, and Henry sat down.
"Please, God. Let my wife and her child be safe and healthy. I am sorry for what I have done. Protect them."

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