Twenty Seven

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I finished getting dressed as Grayson held Amber in her carrier.

We walked down the hall towards the exit. We had to register and grab the supplies for the baby.

As Grayson walked down the hall Matthew walked by Grayson. He shook his hand and gave him congratulations.

I kept my head down in the hopes of him not noticing me. He did and as he realized who I was he grabbed my arm.

"One week" he whispered as he continued to walk down the hall.

The words rang in my head over and over again. It was like a consistent Eco that bounced off the walls of my brain.

"Bella, they said the stuff is ready in out room"
I nodded as he continued to carry Amber down the stairs.

"She's adorable" Grayson said as we stood in the elevator.
The bell dinged and we walked off.

The room was opened. Ethan and Jealessia left for training so we were alone.
Grayson moved his stuff to my room and his room became the baby's.

He picked up Amber. He was so nervous, you could tell by the look on his face.
"Grayson you don't have to be tense" I told him as I grabbed the baby from his arms.

I placed her on my chest. She had the softest, most sweetest sent.
She had her pink onesie on, and she was so calm. I absolutely adored her.

I couldn't possibly imagine leaving

"Babe, she's asleep"
"I know but I don't want to put her down. Look how precious she is"
"Okay" I said as I huffed and gently put Amber down.
"Very much so" he said with the largest grin on his face.
"Come here" I said as I leaned in to kiss him.
"I love you Arabella"
"I love you too Gray"


The sharpest most annoying sound began to echo through the suite.

For a moment I had forgotten we had Amber.

I hit gray on the shoulder. "Grayson. Grayson the baby is crying"

We both got up tip-toeing towards the babies room.

"Hi baby" Grayson said in the most childish and condescending voice ever.
He picked her up and placed her body over his shoulder.
I went behind Grayson so I was face to face with her

"Hello baby girl. Is someone not too happy?"
Grayson gently shhhed her as he rubbed her back and I tried to talk her down.

Eventually she stopped crying. Grayson's face lit up with achievement. He loved us so much and he just wanted to keep us happy.

"Go sleep. I'll stay here the rest of the night"

I yawned "are you-are sure?"
"Yea go I got this"

I tip-toed up to him and kissed him lightly and then the baby
"Goodnight" I said as I blew a kiss and tip-toed out of the room, assuring that I shut the door.

Everything was so perfect now. I had a family, I was back on my feet and I felt genuinely happy until I realized that in the matter of six days all this was going to come crumbling down on me.

Thanks so much for all the comments I fucking love you all so very very much. Keep voting and reading and commenting and such and good luck width school and that type of stuff.

September Third //G.DWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt