"stop. i love you, it's okay."

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Tobias raised his gun, walking more closely into the Weapon's Lab as he caught sight of David holding up a gun. He suspected to see Caleb in there, but why would David be in there?

Tobias and Christina just had arrived back from Chicago, where they were making sure their families wouldn't be affected by the memory serum, if it did happened. They had made it back in record time, and the place seemed weary. As soon as they passed the doors, the two split up.

The flash of blond hair invaded a bit of his vision as Tobias looked around the small wall. As David turned his head around once, Tobias had to hide back away, lowering his gun quickly. But, he was back in his position in a second.

When he saw the person who was facing David in the lab now, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open slightly. It wasn't Caleb at all.

No, it was the girl he was in love with. The girl he was hoping to spend the rest of his life with and was having thoughts just a few moments about living in a peaceful world.

It was Tris.

Tobias couldn't hear what David was saying, but he could see his mouth moving and forming the words. He moved around the wall more, tightening his hold on the gun. It was pointed to David, who was now pointing a gun to Tris.

It seemed like his ears were clogged, him not being able to hear anything David said or any sounds at all. Ringing was all he could hear as he focused on the gun David was holding to Tobias's love.

For a moment, Tris glanced to behind David, watching Tobias inch forward into the room more, before she moved them away. Her head shook just a bit and she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and moved.

Right away, a gun shot was heard and the cry of Tris made it through to Tobias's ears. After, Tobias pulled the trigger also, watching as it landed in the back of David's wheelchair.

Startled, the man turned his head around again. He watched Tobias with hard eyes and Tobias returned the gaze before he glanced back to Tris. Now, she was trudging slowly to the keypad.

"A bullet for a bullet," Tobias said, his voice deep.

The first number clicked and it was heard through the room. Without thinking of it or the consequences, David turned around and aimed at Tris's left leg. The bullet left its chamber a second later.

And a second after that, a bullet left the chamber on Tobias's gun. David groaned in pain for a bit before he rubbed his arm and looked at Tobias.

"You can go back to being locked up doing that."

"You won't remember anything." Tobias said, rage in his voice as he made it louder to disguise the sound of the keypad. Two numbers were typed quickly and finished just as David turned around and shot Tris's bicep.

By this time, a long beeping sound erupted into squeals over the room and Tobias made the shot enough to stabalize David until he could run to get Tris and then move out; his legs.

Two bullets now left the chamber and Tobias ran, collecting Tris in his arms before the memory serum ran from the tanks.

As they ran out of the room, they ran far away as the sirens blared their ears. He could hear Tris breathing heavily as she clutched the wound in her arm. He found a secluded area and leaned against the wall, taking big gasps of breath as he slid down the wall. Then, he looked to Tris.

Now, she was cradled in his lab and Tobias's eyes moved fast between the wounds. He tried to hold the wound on her leg, to stop the blood, but she was still bleeding out.

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