ear kisses

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So...a long time ago I came up with a headcannon that while that sexy sexy times in Allegiant between these lovelies Tobias sees the scar from the target training when the knife knicked Tris's ear. It turned into this. Gets ... kinda mature. Includes most dialogue from that scene. Enjoy. I'm sorry for not updating in a while.♡

Throwing the doors to the hotel entrance open, Tris walked through and folded her arms shortly after. She couldn't get a final thought about her brother volunteering himself to walk into the Weapons Lab. Some, small, Candor part of her admitted it as a relief. After tomorrow, the war could be over. Caleb, he may survive, and after. . .her and Tobias could live their peaceful life together; Go back to Chicago, get an apartment together, and in a few years, maybe even start a family. It was a relief her brother volunteered for tomorrow.

She planned to lay down to her cot as soon as she reached the dormitory. But, when she turned the corner, Tobias leaned against a wall, waiting for her. Dark blue, hard eyes softened some as Tris walked closer to him.

"You okay?" He asked, moving his hands into his pockets.

"Yes," Tris touched her forehead, softly. "But I shouldn't be. I feel like I've already been mourning him. Like he died the second I saw him in Erudite headquarters while I was there." She paused, "You know?"

She had spoke to, confessed, about not having a family anymore, shortly after Caleb had betrayed her divergence to Jeanine. Ever since, they had been family; her and Tobias. He had told her that he was her family. A position he would fill, for the rest of their lives.

"The Abnegation have teachings about this, you know," he says. "About when to let others sacrifice themselves for you, even if it's selfish. They say that if the sacrifice is the ultimate way for that person to show you that they love you, you should let them do it." Tobias moved his position, sliding closer but keeping a shoulder on the wall. "That, in that situation, it's the greatest gift you can give them. Just as it was when both your parents died for you."

"I'm not sure it's love that's motivating him, though." Not love, something else. Something less. Tris shut her eyes. "It seems more like guilt."

"Maybe," Tobias tilted his head, considering the fact. "But why would he feel guilty for betraying you if he didn't love you?"

Nodding, Tris looked away. She knew Caleb loved her, despite the times he had hurt her. Knew of the love she had for him. Maybe, if her parents were alive at the moment, they would understand Caleb sacrificing his life.

Tobias's next words caused Tris's body to tense.

"This may be a bad time," he said, "but there's something I want to say to you."

Was he going to name some crime she had done, something that had gone unrecognized? Or a confession that he was dying to say? With the expressionless look on his face, Tris couldn't tell.

"I just wanted to thank you," Tobias mumbled instead, voice low. Something entirely different from what Tris had begun to think. "A group of scientists told me my genes were damaged, that there was something wrong with me--they showed you test results that proved it. And even I started to believe it."

Tobias touched her face, thumb moving back and forth along her cheek, eyes intense and insisting. "You never believed it," he says again. "Not for a second. You always insisted that I was. . . I don't know, whole."

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