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"You 'like like' him don't you!" She yelled in a teasing voice. He shoved her.

"Shut up Charlie!" The redhead laughed.

"Why don't you just talk to him?" He pushed her again. "Shh! Or someone's gonna hear you!" He yelled at her. She giggled. He moved in close.

"Plus, guys aren't supposed to like guys."

She scowled at him. "People can love who they want and you know that. Don't ever think you can't like someone just because they are the same gender as you."

Cas cursed himself for bringing up gay rights in a conversation with Charlie. "You're right. But I'm not gonna talk to him. I'm 13, I don't need to be in a relationship."

But I can still hope. He thought.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." She sighed and rested her chin on her hands.

"That Gilda girl is nice, though. You should ask her out." He decided to change the subject. Her face lit up at the mention of the name.

He sat listening to his best friend gush on and on about her crush, hope blossoming in his chest.

The next month was the Halloween dance for Angel Valley Middle School. Cas was not asked to that dance. He instead stood in a corner listening to crappy music while his bouncy red headed best friend stared at the door waiting for Gilda to show up.

Charlie saw his solemn expression and just bumped his shoulder. "I'm sure he'll ask you next time." He nodded sadly. Her eyes went back to the doors of the gym.

He watched the redhead brighten up at the sight of her girlfriend. She took Gilda's hand, and began dancing with her.

Maybe next time, he thought, maybe next time I'll get something like that.

He was in zombie mode leading up to the Christmas dance. Days droned on and on, same schedule, repeating over and over again. A test here, an assignment there.

School had always been easy for him, the work didn't really matter to him. He had always been a straight A student. The routine didn't bother him either, order was nice, it just got boring.

But when December rolled around, he grew excited. There had been gossip Dean was going to ask someone to the dance. When the event did come come around though, Cas was sitting alone, watching Dean Winchester dance with Lisa Braeden, and he swore to himself, that he would never fall in love with Dean again.

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