Something Old

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(Quick A/N:
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(Quick A/N: *story gets over 100 views and over 30 votes* Me:

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Thanks so much guys! Now. Onto the story.)

"As much as I love hugging you Dean, I am going to need to breathe at some point." Dean pulled away hastily and cleared his throat.

"Sorry." Cas smiled, his eyes crinkling in that endearing way of his.

"Don't be." Cas said, then looked around the room.

"How did I even get here?" Dean raised an eyebrow and said, "An ambulance?" As if it were obvious. Cas rolled his eyes.

"No, I mean why am I in here?" Dean's face switched from confusion to worry. "You mean... you don't remember?" Cas shook his head.

"What was the last thing you remember?"

"I remember going to school on Thursday and it's all black from there." Dean nodded and bit his lip, something he did when he was concentrating.

"We should... we should probably call in a doctor." Cas nodded and pressed the 'page nurse' button.


A few minutes later a nurse with maroon scrubs and bright red hair came storming and said, "Dean you cannot keep pushing that button for me to get you tater tots." In a Scottish accent before seeing Cas, awake and sitting up with Dean.

Her eyes widened before saying, "You're awake," Cas nodded. "I need to go get the doctor." And she walked out of the room.

"Who was that?" Cas asked after turning back to Dean, who shrugged.

"Her name is Amy, we've grown to be aquatinted over time. She brings me tater tots on Fridays."

Amy came in with the doctor minutes later, and the doctor smiled at the sight of Cas up and talking.

"Ah, Castiel. It's good to see you finally awake." He said, straightening his bow tie. Cas tilted his head.

"How long have I been asleep?" He asked.

"Two weeks." Cas' eyebrows furrowed together.

"Two weeks? Is my family okay? I want to speak to them." But the doctor just smiled.

"All in good time. Now tell me, what do you remember about the accident?"


After extensive questioning by the doctor, they had diagnosed that he had slight amnesia along with a concussion, five broken bones, and a hell of a lot of bruises.

His family was called to let them know he was awake. When they made it to the hospital they had rushed to his hospital room, Gabriel holding Cas in a tight but loving hug for two minutes before Cas tapped his arm and wheezed, "Can't. Breathe...". Only then did Gabe reluctantly release him.

Charlie was next, having been called by the Novak's as soon as they got the news. She hugged Cas briefly before pulling back and slapping his uninjured arm.


"Don't you dare fucking scare me like that again." She received a brief "Language." From Mrs. Novak before stepping aside to let his parents fuss over him.

"Mom. Dad," he said after they kept repeating over and over about how 'worried they were' and 'glad that you're awake' "I'm fine." His mom smiled and kissed his forehead.

Dean hung back from the reunion, leaning against the doorframe. Charlie walked over to him and murmured, "You gonna tell him?" Dean shook his head.

"Not yet, he's got enough going on right now." He smiled as Cas laughed at one of his brother's jokes.

Not yet, but definitely sometime.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I have a really bad writers block right now. Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay at hotel fluff.

P.S. There may or may not be Destiel in the next chapter. But I'm not making any promises.

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