Awkward Moments And Gabriel

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Cas sat in his fifth period class. He was already bored and the bell hadn't even rung yet.

This past week had been... interesting to say the least. Charlie had been relentless in her texts lately saying things like: "MY OTP LIVES" and "THE SHIP HAS SET SAIL".

Charlie was a born shipper. She was always telling him about her OTP's and various other ships, weirdly, most of them were gay.

He and Charlie had accepted in their early teens they were both about as straight as a slinky.

It wasn't too bad, they lived in a accepting town, and most people were kind. But that doesn't stop others from shoving Cas into a locker or throwing his backpack in the trash.

Charlie didn't have it any better. Girls were constantly whispering around her and tripping her in the halls.

Most people may be accepting, but there will always be assholes.

The shrill sound of the bell shook him out of his thoughts and Dean Winchester took his seat right next to Cas'.

Ms. Jackson moonwalked into the room wearing a pair of sunglasses matched with a shirt that read 'I write sins not essays'.

"Ayo peeps. Today I'm giving you your first project." They all groaned in unison. She rolled her eyes. "I know so exciting right?" She cleared her throat.

"Okay. This project requires you all to have a partner." Everyone excitedly looked to their friends, but Cas, not having any friends in this class, boredly stared at the teacher.

"Don't get too excited, I'm choosing your partners." The class 'awed' in response.

"Okay so you will all be doing a creative project on one country, that's not America, obviously. I don't really care what you do just as long as it actually educates the class on your country. Once I tell you your partners and your country then you get together and plan your project. This is a pretty big project and it's due at the end of the term, so you'll have to exchange numbers so you can get work done at your houses. Ready? Break!"

She walked to her desk and grabbed a paper.

"Maysie and Alex, you guys have Greece." Cas listened to her calling random names, wondering who he would end up with.

Maybe I'll end up with Arthur. Or maybe Jack?

"Castiel and Dean, you have Ireland."


Dean turned to him.


"So..." Dean started. "Do you need my number?" Cas was setting himself on fire in his mind, but smiled and said, "Probably yes, considering I don't have it currently."

What. The. Fuck. You are horrible at speaking. Don't even talk anymore, just nod.

"Can I see your phone?" Cas nodded and reached into his backpack.

His phone case had Darth Vader on it and was captioned 'give me some space'. Dean chuckled when he saw it.

"Star Wars. Awesome."

What the hell does that mean? Does he think I'm just a nerd?

Everyone knows you're a nerd, dumbass.

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