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Just watch the video, it's hilarious.

7 years later (give or take)

"Mmmm, baby we need to get up." Dean groaned and rolled over. Cas nudged him with his foot.

"Ah! Cold!" Dean shoved at his boyfriend and finally opened his eyes. A pair of irritated blue ones glared back at him.

"Exactly. Go turn on the furnace, it's freezing." Dean rolled his eyes and sat up, the comforter pooling around his hips. He was stretching out his muscles, mostly just to irritate Cas, when he was pushed out of the bed and onto the floor.

"Asshole." He mumbled, and stood up. When he looked back at the bed he saw that Cas had moved to the spot where Dean had occupied. His face was buried in the pillow with his fuzzy dark brown hair sticking up in all sorts of weird places. He was curled up in a way that Dean Winchester would never admit he found cute. He's a grown man for god's sake.

Dean walked down the hall towards the thermostat, turning on the heat. "There you go, your majesty! Us humble servants are glad to be of service!" He called towards the bedroom.

"I'm glad you finally came to your senses, peasant!" Cas' voice drifted back from their shared room. Dean shook his head fondly and made his way towards the kitchen.

He quickly throws together some eggs and bacon, then calls down the hall to Cas. "Breakfast!"  Minutes later a grumbling, messy haired Cas stumbled into the room and seats himself at the table.

God, I love him so much.

Dean set a plate in front of him, and Cas grunted out a thank you in return. Satisfied with his cooking, Dean retreated down the hall into the bedroom.

He opened his sock drawer, reaching into the very far back left corner and pulling out a small box.

Today's the day. He thought.

"Hey babe?!" Dean yelled.

"Yeah?" Came Castiel's response.

"Wanna go out tonight?"

"Um. Sure!" Dean smiled and shoved the ring back into the drawer.

—That Night—

"I always forget how beautiful this place is." Cas says, looking around at the fountains surrounding them. Dean smiles and looks at the fluorescent lights that make the water glow.

"Yeah, it's really nice." He fumbles again with the little box in his pocket. It was like a fifty pound weight had been slipped into his jacket by the magic commitment elf of 'do you really want to do this?' 

Just a little further. Up ahead is his favorite fountain.

"Are you okay? You look a little tense." Dean looked over at his boyfriend and squeezed his hand reassuringly. Cas smiled and leaned his head on Dean's shoulder.

"Do you remember this place?" Dean asked and Cas 'hmm'ed an affirmative response.

"It was where we had our first date. Of course, that was like what? Seven years ago?" Dean laughed.

"To the minute almost." Cas' eyes glittered as he looked back at the sparkling fountain.

"Yeah, I remember. September 28th, 2015. You kissed me right in front of this fountain. Then it started raining and you walked me home." He looked back at Dean. "It's one of my best memories." Cas sat down on the concrete wall that bordered the fountain, Dean joined him without a second thought.

"I hope I can top it." He laughed and pulled the ring out of his pocket, lowering himself down onto one knee.

"Castiel James Novak. When I was just barely 12 years old I met you for the first time, I didn't know it then, but I was already falling in love with you. Now, in the ten years I've known you, not once have I doubted you.

I'd probably be lost without you, just one little minnow swimming around in a massive ocean. You're my best friend, my angel, my partner in crime, and whatever else you like to call it. Now, I'm not big on the whole 'romantic' thing, but I love you. More than anything else in this world. So, will you marry my dysfunctional ass?" Cas stared at Dean, speechless.

"You asshole." Dean was shocked.

"W-what?" Cas rummaged through his messenger bag and pulled out a little black box almost identical to Dean's.

"You beat me to it." Dean stared at the box, then laughed. Cas joined in and their sides eventually began to ache from their loud guffaws.

"So... does this mean you'll marry my emotionally constipated self?" Dean asked and Cas shook his head fondly.

"Only if you'll marry mine." He replied.


So that's it! That's officially the end of Something Old. *pause for loud 'awww's from the audience* I know, I know. I'll miss it too. Good news is I'll be uploading the first chapter of my new book right after this one goes up. I guess all that's left to say is:
🎉 Happy New Year! 🎉 (let's hope 2017 is a whole lot better than 2016)

Wear your seatbelt.

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