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It's been two weeks.

Two weeks since the crash and two weeks Cas had been in a coma.

Dean tried to carry on his daily life, to pay attention in school, get good grades, keep up with his friends. But it's hard.

He goes to the hospital everyday, sometimes stays overnight on the weekends, even though he's technically not supposed to. But the nurses understand, when they see him after visiting hours they give him a look of pity then pass by.

They had eventually moved Cas into a normal hospital room, since he was getting better, but he still wasn't awake. The doctors weren't much help. They just told Dean the same things over and over "just give it time".

So he did.

He waited everyday at Cas' hospital bed. Castiel's family didn't ask him questions. Sometimes Charlie or Gabriel would come in and sit next to him. Balthazar would be there on the weekends.

Anna visited too, though Dean hadn't recognized her when she came in the second night. She cried, held her brother's hand, told him she was sorry. She didn't know who Dean was either.

His own family tried to get him to go back to life normally, tried to help him through, but he shook them off. He knew they were trying to get him better, but him doing things wasn't going to change the fact that Cas was laying motionless on a hospital bed. Sam pointed out that Dean tearing himself up about it wasn't helping either.

Dean didn't speak to him for days.

Sometimes he would talk to Cas, tell him stories about Sam and himself as kids. When he would fall asleep, head resting next to Cas' limp body, he would dream about Cas waking up.

He was always so happy in the dreams, his friend opening his eyes and saying "Dean?" In a confused voice that was a little gruff from not being used. Dean would laugh, or smile, or even cry.

Then he would wake up.

It was Friday, he sat in a plush chair next to the hospital bed, his backpack resting at his feet, his homework having already been completed. He sat back in the chair, letting his eyes skirt across Castiel's seemingly lifeless form.

Almost all of the tubes that had been connected to Cas on day one were gone, save for a few IV's. His eyes grew heavy as the steady 'beep's of the heart monitor lulled him to sleep.


Castiel's throat felt dry, like he hadn't had water for days. He tried to open up his eyes but it felt like they had been sewn shut. The song of a heart monitor shrieked in his ears.

He fought against unconsciousness and managed to get his eyes open, not that it made any difference, the room being pitch black and all. Except for a single beam of moonlight peeking through the blinds and illuminating a person in a chair.

"Hello?" He tried to call out, but his voice just came in a barely audible whisper. The person in the chair didn't move. Cas tried clearing his throat, nothing.

He looked around what he assumed was a hospital room and saw the faint outline of a lamp. He tried to move his right arm to turn it on but found it was heavily casted as well as his right leg.

How did I even get here?

He lifted his left arm and winced at the feeling of stitches pulling at his skin. Regardless, he finally managed to turn on the bedside lamp.

There was a faint groaning from the chair and a voice that said, "Yes, Amy, I know what time it is and no, I'm not going home."

That's Dean's voice. But why is he here of all places?

"Dean?" Cas asked, voice a little hoarse from lack of use. Dean's eyes snapped open and he lurched forward in his chair, then sat back again.

"You aren't real." These words made Cas confused.

Of course I'm real. Why would he think I'm not?

"Dean I can assure you I am most definitely real." Dean chuckled and closed his eyes again.

"Whatever you say dream Cas." Cas cocked his head to the side.

"What? Do you want me to pinch you? I can call in a nurse to come and confirm it if you'd like." Dean leaned forward in his chair. He held out his arm to Cas.

"Alright. Pinch me." Cas raised an eyebrow. Then pinched Dean's forearm.

Dean recoiled from the pain and let out a shout. He inspected the spot where Cas had pinched him then looked up in awe.

"You're real." Cas nodded.

"You're awake." He nodded again. Dean flew over and hugged him.

"Oh my god Cas this is amazing." Cas winced a little at the tugging on his stitches but wrapped his good arm around Dean nevertheless, relishing Dean's warmth.

Cas felt a wetness soaking into his cheap hospital gown and pulled away from Dean to look at his face.

Dean was crying a little, a few tears but not enough for him to start sniffing apparently.

"Hey hey, look, I'm okay." Dean sniffed and wiped some of the wetness off his face.

"It's really good to see you." Cas smiled and hugged Dean again.

"The feeling is mutual."

:/ I don't know what I'm doing at this point.

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