Everybody Ships It

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"Charlie." She kept talking.

"Ohmygod Cas you and Dean are gonna get together and it will be so romantic and..."


"My otp will be canon and omg now I have to text Balthazar and we can plan your wedding..."

"CHARLIE." She stopped talking and glared at him.

"What?" She asked flatly. He leaned in close so as not to be heard.

"People are watching us." He whispered.

"Who cares? Let them!" Cas rolled his eyes and they finally moved up to the front of the line.

"What can I get you guys today?" A bright eyed boy sang from behind the counter. His name tag read 'Alfie'

Charlie spoke up. "Hi! I'd like the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and he would like anything rainbows." Cas threw a glare in her direction but she either didn't see it or ignored it.

Once they had their treats they sat down at a small table by the window.

"Sooo, what time are you going to Dean's?" Charlie asked, smirking and scooping some ice cream onto her spoon.

"I said five, since I'm a good friend and wanted to get ice cream with you. I already texted my mom and told her I wouldn't be home until nine or ten."

She snorted.

"More like tomorrow morning." He punched her arm.

"Ow!" She rubbed it and pouted at him. He glared at her in return.

"I'm just going over there to work on a project, nothing more." He said that, but he kind of hoped something would happen between him and Dean, though Charlie didn't have to know that.

"And the sun rises in the west." She muttered and he hit her again.


Charlie was driving him to Dean's house and she wouldn't shut up.

"And the colors would be blue and green, just like your eyes! What about flowers? Maybe baby's breath? Ooh! How 'bout hydrangeas?!" Cas just stared straight ahead as his best friend talked on and on about his future gay wedding with Dean.


The rest of the car ride was spent in tense silence.

She pulled the car up at Dean's driveway and Cas got out of the car, but before he shut the door he heard her call out, "Make sure to use protection!" He flipped her off and walked up the drive.

Once he reached the door, he checked his phone to see it was 4:50.

Not too bad. He thought.

When he knocked on the door a short boy with floppy brown hair answered.

(A/N: Okay so Sam's only two years younger than Dean in this because I'm not making Sammy a freaking 5th grader.)

"You must be Cas. Dean talks about you all the time. Name's Sam by the way. I'm Dean's younger brother. Is it true that-" Sam was cut off as Dean pushed him aside and put a hand over his brother's mouth. He laughed nervously.

"Hehe. Sammy why don't you go help mom with dinner." Sam glared at Dean and bit his hand.

"Ow! Sam! What the hell!" Dean shouted at Sam. A female voice came from the kitchen.

"Watch your language Dean!"

"Sorry mom!" Dean called back.

(A/N: Yes Mary is not dead in this fic because I wanted Dean to have a healthy family life for once.)

Sam walked off to what Cas assumed was the kitchen and Dean gestured for him to come inside.

"This is a very lovely home." Cas commented, looking around the well kept living room.

"Thanks," Dean said, then jabbed his thumb in the direction of the stairs. "D'you wanna go up to my room? We could talk about the project up there."

Cas wanted to say they could technically talk about it anywhere in the house, but refrained from doing so because, well, he couldn't pass up the chance to see Dean Winchester's bedroom.

So Cas just nodded and the two boys headed up the stairs.

The first thing Cas noticed when he stepped into the room was the many classic rock band posters plastered all over the wall.

"Pink Floyd. Nice." Cas wasn't sure why he commented on that band in particular, he recognized all of the other bands and liked some a lot more than others but this certain poster stuck out to him.

"You a fan of classic rock?" Dean asked and Cas nodded.

"I like all kinds of music, helps me think." He wasn't lying. Music was another way for him to escape this crappy world.

Dean smiled at that and Cas decided he wanted to see that smile all the time.

"So... know anything about Ireland?" Cas shrugged.

"I know that I'm a quarter Irish and I should know way more than I actually do, since I read the Wikipedia page like seven times."

Dean snorted and said, "You're Irish?"


"Well, no offense dude, but you don't exactly look or sound Irish."

"Since neither of my parents are directly Irish and the fact that I have never lived in Ireland I suppose I wouldn't have an accent. And what, pray tell, would you think an Irishman looks like?"

Dean shrugged. "I dunno, short, red hair, guards a pot of gold." He laughed at his own joke but Cas looked unamused.

"That is not at all what Irish look like. Only ten percent of Irish people have red hair. Plus, leprechauns are a myth."

"See? You know way more about Ireland than me!" Dean seemed to lighten up the mood even after Cas' blunt comment. Cas laughed a little bit, and he got to see Dean's smile again.

"Got any ideas?" Cas looked up thoughtfully.

"Well, if we're going to get an A, then we have to do something no one else is doing. She said a creative project, how much do you want to bet everyone's going to be doing a PowerPoint or a posterboard?"

Dean smirked. "I dunno Cas, I don't gamble." Cas laughed and Dean laughed along with him.

"Dean? Is your friend staying over for dinner?" Dean's mom called up.

Dean raised a questioning eyebrow at him and Cas nodded his head.

"Yeah, he's staying!"

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