And Scene

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"Hello Naomi." Castiel said, biting his tongue to keep a bitter edge out of his voice.

He wasn't particularly fond of his overly-religious and extremely homophobic cousins, not just the four that were currently standing in the living room, but all of them. Family reunions were a nightmare.

Cas wasn't very fond of hearing their spiel about how "homosexuality" is "wrong" or "immoral" which he had to listen to every time he saw them.

Of course it's also hard keeping the secret that you're the very thing they rally against.

So no, he didn't like his cousins.

"Well it's been so long since you've seen us, won't you give me a hug?" She said and Cas resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he walked toward her.

Now Cas was an awkward person, but he had never experienced a hug as weird as this one was. It was lingering, the body heat was all wrong, and was overall just uncomfortable.

Once he made it out of the clutches of his red haired cousin, he nodded to the three others.

Zachariah, white-haired and just an overall asshole who took joy in manipulating people and relishing in their pain.

Michael, twin of Lucifer and someone who believes in traditional everything. Seriously, the guy is so up tight you get a wedgie just looking at him.

And Lucifer, twin of Michael and lives up to his name. The guy raises hell wherever he goes, and generally just exists to piss people off.

"So how long are you guys staying?" Cas said, trying to sound nonchalant but obviously failing.

"Oh, so eager to get rid of us aren't you Cassie?" Lucifer said, evil grin creeping its was onto his features as Cas twitched at the nickname.

"Three days." Naomi said, obviously not impressed by her brother's antics.

Three days. That's not too bad.

Cas' phone chimed in his pocket. He took it out and opened the message.

Received 5:14 PM

Hey. R u ok? You seemed panicked earlier

He sighed and typed out his answer.

Sent 5:16 PM

I'm fine, just family stuff. I'd really not have you over when family is here.

"Who ya texting there Cassie?" Lucifer peered over his shoulder and Cas glared at him.

"My partner for a school project." He said in a cold, bitter tone that made him back up a bit.

"Lucifer, stop trying to get on Castiel's bad side." Michael said in an exasperated voice. Lucifer hmmphed and moved out of his personal space.

Gabriel stood up from the couch, putting on a fake smile to make it seem as if he actually wanted his cousins here.

"You guys look exhausted. Maybe you should go unpack, I'll show you the spare rooms if you'd like." Naomi nodded and the five walked out of the room, leaving Castiel alone.

He sat down heavily on the couch and sighed. He typed out a text to Charlie.

Sent 5:20 PM

Ugh, my cousins are here.

Received 5:21 PM

Omg are you okay?

Sent 5:23 PM

Yeah, I'm fine. I just hate being around them.

Received 5:25 PM

I feel ya. Gtg studying and all that.

Sent 5:26 PM

Okay, you go do that.

A/N: short chapter sorry. To be honest I'm so swamped with homework right now, it's ridiculous. But enjoy the two chapters in a day! (Also the angst is about to get real)

Stay weird my friends.

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