A Sixpence In Your Shoe

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Cas leaned his head against Dean's shoulder as they walked down the street.

"It's so fucking cold." He complained. Dean chuckled and wrapped an arm around his boyfriend. "That better?" He asked. Cas tried to nestle even closer to Dean, who laughed again.

"Don't worry, it's not far from here." Cas rolled his eyes then closed them.

"That's what you said five minutes ago." He whined. A tiny snowflake landed on Dean's nose and Cas brushed it off with his thumb.

"Stop being a whiny bitch, c'mon. My mom is going to be mad if we're late." Dean dropped his arm around Cas and reached for his hand instead. Cas huffed at the loss of warmth, but took Dean's hand all the same.

"I don't know if I can make it, you'll have to carry me." Cas made a pouty face at him and Dean raised an eyebrow.

"You sure you want me to carry you through the front door, bridal style, the first time we have Christmas together as boyfriends?" Cas looked up thoughtfully and smiled.

"That does sound nice," he said thoughtfully, but upon seeing Dean's 'are you fucking serious' face he added, "but I guess I'll suffer for you." Dean shook his head fondly and observed Cas, who was wearing a heavy black coat, skinny jeans, and a pair of converses. His hair was turned ebony by the almost ethereal glow the lamp posts seemed to cast on him, along with little white snowflakes gathered on his head.

His eyes seemed almost an unnatural blue, which stood out in contrast to his slightly pale face. His cheeks were rosy from the cold. Dean could never understand how he looked so ethereally beautiful, yet like an adorable puppy at the same time.

"God I wanna kiss you right now." Cas smirked at him.

"Then what's stopping you?" He asked suggestively. Dean pointed off to the left with a bored expression without looking away from Cas. Castiel looked over and saw Sam waving excitedly at them.

"Oh. That." Cas muttered. Dean nodded and sighed.

"Well, come along then." Dean led him inside the house.

The Winchester household, even though Cas had been here a multitude of times over the last few months, seemed different from when he was here just the other day. It seemed to be a lighter, happier atmosphere from before. That's Christmas for you.

He could hear Christmas music coming from... somewhere. There was an amazing smell drifting from the kitchen, probably Christmas dinner.

"Cas! Get in here!" Dean called from the kitchen. Cas smiled and made his way into the aroma filled room.

"Hello Castiel." Mary smiled brightly at him. "I'm so happy you could make it.

He looked over to Dean, who was arguing with his brother about who got to lick the spoon Mary had been using to make brownies. "There isn't anywhere I'd rather be."

After dinner, Dean and Cas laid down on his bed. Dean, although he'd never admit it, was snuggling up to Cas, his sandy brown hair tickling his nose.

"Ugh. I think I ate too much." Dean groaned. Cas just planted a kiss on Dean's head and closed his eyes.

"I want to take a nap." He said, voice laced with tiredness. He shot up suddenly, much to Dean's dismay.

"Nooooo, lay back down and sleep. You're waaaaaaarm." Cas laughed at his boyfriend's antics. "Sorry baby. I forgot to give you your present." Dean sat up and rubbed at his eyes.

"How the hell did you bring a present here without me seeing it?"

"I'm a ninja." Cas shoved a small box with a delicate white bow into Dean's hands. "Now open it, cmon!" Dean rolled his eyes at him and untied the ribbon.

Taking off the top of the box, Dean pulled out a necklace with a pair of silver wings on the end. Cas blushed. "You don't have to wear it if you don't want to." Dean pulled the chain over his head, letting the wings rest against his chest.

"I love it. Thanks." Cas smiled and Dean kissed him sweetly, only to be interrupted by Sam yelling, "Dean! Gabe is here to pick up Cas!" Dean sighed.

"To be continued." He said distantly.

Gabriel's loud obnoxious voice came from downstairs, "Y'all better both still be virgins by the time you get down here!" Cas laughed.

"Guess that's my cue to leave." He stood up and Dean followed. "I'll walk you out." Cas smiled and they walked hand and hand down the stairs.

Once they were in the front doorway, Dean kissed Cas once again. "Merry Christmas, Angel." Sam groaned.

"Any more of that and you'll grow a vagina." Dean glared at his little brother and hugged Cas.

"See you soon, Dean."

"Yeah, bye Cas." A loud honk of the horn and a shouted "I'm coming!" And Cas ran back to his brother's car.

He saw Cas wave through the car window and waved back. He waited until the car was out of sight and closed the front door. He leaned back against the wood and sighed.

"You're such a girl Dean."

"Shut the fuck up Rapunzel."

Merry Christmas (or Hanukkah, or kwanza, or whatever else you celebrate) ya filthy animals.

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