Somewhere Between Broken And Saved

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"Hey Gabe? Can I get a ride with you today?" Cas asked as he shoved his books into his backpack.

"Why not lil' bro?" Gabriel ruffled his hair and Cas huffed in annoyance.

The ride to the school was short, not leaving much time for small talk between the brothers.

As soon as they pulled up Cas jumped out of his brother's car.

"Be safe! Use protection!" Gabriel yelled after him.

"I don't know you!" Cas called in return.


Normally Cas liked Spanish. It was an easy class. He didn't have to talk to people, the work was simple, and there was a ton of fun activities. But today he found himself distracted.

It was his family coming.

His cousins weren't nice to put it nicely. They had never really been nice to Cas and, well, they were all very religious.

If they found out that Cas was gay, who knows what would happen.

He could guess. Probably a lot of screaming and hurtful comments in his direction. Then he would be disowned by his family and no one would talk to him again and- oh great, he could feel a panic attack coming.

He raised his hand. "Mr. Older? May I go to the bathroom?" The teacher nodded his head without even looking up from his notes.

Cas stood up from his seat and hurried to the nearest bathroom.

He locked himself in the farthest stall, sitting down and rocking back and forth.

He wasn't a stranger to panic attacks, he got them all the time. He just didn't tell anyone. He didn't know why, he could get help and maybe even get better, but he kept his mouth shut, fearing what others would say.

He felt tears running down his face and then he heard the bathroom door open.

Cas felt calm enough to leave the tiny stall, but waited until he heard the other person close their bathroom stall.

Cas walked out and looked at himself in the mirror, he looked terrible.

Tear stains ran down his cheeks and his eyes were bloodshot. Cas splashed some water on his face.

I'm fine.

He heard the sound of the bathroom stall opening and cursed himself.


Of course it had to be Dean. Man, the universe is just really fucking with me today, isn't it?

He turned away from Dean.

"Hey." Oh god, his voice was so shaky. He heard Dean take a step towards him.

"Cas're you okay?" Cas turned his head to look back at concerned green eyes.

"Just fine." And he walked out of the bathroom.


Cas walked to art after he retrieved his things from Spanish. Charlie was waiting for him.

"What up Cassie bro?" She made it a tradition to come up with dumb phrases.

He just shrugged his shoulders and sat down. The happy look on her face faded to concern.

"What's wrong? What happened? Did those assholes hurt you again?" Cas sighed and shook his head.

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