The Ice Age

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Before I die my people must know,

Our world will end in ice and snow.

The last flame will stop giving off heat,

And the like lands will no longer grow wheat.

The wind will turn into a bitter cold,

Causing this place to be covered in snow.

The ice will reign sky high, until this one sparks come back to life.

Flames will come back to melting the ice,

Burning the one they most despises.

With this heat the ice will melt, and the wind will go back to the temperatures people once felt. The earth will soon come back to life, leaving the ice to surely die.

But please don't worry, please the fear, the end is no where near. When it is there is a slight chance that ice won't reign and the kingdom will stand. That is of course up the the chosen one.

Fire. Ice. Wind, and Earth.

The four elements that need to come fourth. Together, and only then, will the remains of this kingdom stand. For if they don't the kingdoms will be no more.

And the world will end in snow.

"King Areo, will have not the time for this. They are coming. They are here for one, and one thing only. You. They want you begging them for mercy as they tear this palace apart!" My servant yells enraged by my lack of hearing.

They found us. How? I don't know. No one ever knew about my kingdom. It was hidden by magic by the most powerful. There is only one way in, but no one had been smart enough to find the exit. Until now.

All of the secrets and information about my kingdom has been exposed by traitors. It is too late to defend ourselves. Magic always comes with a price, and to calculate how much we have to pay in order to use it to save ourselves is too much.

"I'm coming Syrus, be patient. We already know how this is going to end... I just needed to leave a note here if there is a chance someone will find it later." I say getting off of my chair hastily accidentally knocking my chair over.

"A note? The kingdom is about to be invaded and yet you write a note? Yes king, remind me to write my very own song before you die. You surely won't mind." Syrus said sarcasm laced with every word.

Ignoring his words I put a wax stamp on the note and hid it in my coat pocket.

"Come with me. There is one last thing I need to do before I'm gone." I say leading him out of the palace and into the woods.

"What is it? And why do you need my help?" He ask me hesitantly. Not many people venture out into the woods. Here in my kingdom there are two types of people. Most of them are friendly and uses magic the way it was taught to them. With caution. But those who chose to break the rules are reckless, wild, and dangerous when it comes to magic. They travel to the woods to practice their magic. Dark magic.

"No questions until we get there Syrus. Are you coming with me or not? I can't accomplish this without you." I say stopping, waiting for a reply.

Hearing the sounds of footsteps coming towards me I smile, knowing he couldn't, wouldn't, leave me in my final moments.

"Lead the way my king." he says with a hint joking in his tone

Out in the woods we travel for about twenty minutes until we reach the border of the kingdom.

"So your majesty," Syrus begins to say, "What are we here for? Surely this must be important because it is delaying your inevitable death."

Silently I reach in my pocket and pull out the note. I place it on the ground before me, making sure it was on the border of the kingdom. It wouldn't work if it wasn't, and all my precautions would be useless.

"I'm trying to warn them Syrus." I say quietly.

"Warn who? The people who want to destroy you? Well Areo, that's pretty stupid of you, because you know how this will end." Syrus says slightly annoyed

"No, not my pursuers, the people in the future. I was stupid enough to look into the future, but I went too far. I saw ice. Ice everywhere. No sign of fire, earth, wind, not even the slightest sign of magic. When I went back a few years I saw the cause of all the ice. I can't die knowing I did nothing to stop it. Ice is bitter and cold, and nothing will survive in ice, so right now I am leaving a note and when the time is right, the right people will find it, and they will stop the ice. I looked up spells upon spells to find the right one that will do its job. The only thing is that I am not strong enough to do it on my own it would most likey take my life, and that isn't how my future is paved out. So, will you Syrus help me save the future?"

"Well if you put it like that, sure your honor. Anything to save the future." he says jokingly, but serious at the same time.

"Okay, so on the count of three put your hands up and give it all you got, I will recite the words and give it all I got too, and if something were to go wrong, just know that you are the bravest person I ever met, and that I love you like a brother."

"I love you too Areo. Now, let's get this going. We don't have all the time in the world." he says raising up his hands in the direction of the note.

"Alright Syrus, on the count of three." I say making sure he was ready. He nods his head and I get ready to recite the spell.





Hello there! Well as you can see, I'm being the creative person I am, and writing a new book! I really just love books like this, and decided to give it a take.

Please comment, vote, share it and I will love you forever!

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