Chapter 23- The regret

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A/N 1: I will be writing the scenes from the past in sections with ************* from now on instead of in italics.

Minori's POV

At this very moment where Kame has lips crashed against mine, and his hands tangled with  my hair, I only had one thing in mind.


Had I known that this would become his favourite method to silence someone, I would never have used this on him, regardless of whether or not it has been accidental.


"Kame! I could really care less about your inability to control your lust towards those other ladies. I mean, like what you've said, it should have been their 'greatest honour' for them to be able to attract your attention. I can see how besotted they are with you. But, please do not try to drag Cheonwu down to your level as well!"

Those ladies will devour him alive!

Seemingly amused by my outburst, Kame raised a single eyebrow as a low chuckle erupted from his lips.

"Is this how you speak to your master?I do not suppose you have taken any of the etiquette lessons that I have painstakingly tried to impart to you seriously." Kame responded bemused.

"That's because whatever shit you taught were all meant for docile and obedient women whose sole purpose in life was to serve pompous pricks like you." I muttered under my breath darkly.

If Kame heard any of my muttering, he gave no signs of acknowledgement, as he continued his personal soliloquy.

"In any case, I am still rather apalled by your virulent attitude towards this matter, and me in general. I am only trying to do my best to help my cousin. You see, he has long passed his  coming of age ceremony-that occurred more than five years ago. We were presented with the maidens who were meant to allow us to transition from boy to man. Cheonwu returned his maiden untouched. His parents are starting to think that he is ... he is a sodomite! " Kame finished distastefully  as he shuddered  in what appeared to be disgust.

I rolled my eyes  as I discovered another significant difference between the two of us of the two different time periods. While the LGBT does continue to face discrimination and unacceptance back in the twenty first century, it is nothing compared to the pure contempt and hatred shown by most of the society here. They  treat homosexuality here as though it is some form of incurable cancer of the society that has to be exterminated!

Yet, their unacceptance of homosexuality is also somewhat understandable, if I looked at it from their point of view. With the average lifespan of a man living in this time period being only about fifty years or less, they do have very little time in this world without vaccines from even the most common flus to procreate and ensure the continuity of their bloodline, in addition to the already high infant mortality rate. Throw in to the mix homosexuality, where it is biologically impossible to create an offspring with your partner, it is deemed as a sure way to end the bloodline . With one of the main goals of the people of this time period being to ensure a big and bountiful family, it was understandable why they viewed homosexuality the way they did.

"You are too quick to jump to conclusions here. Just because Cheonwu decides to remain a virgin to this day, unlike some people, it does not mean that he is indeed what you think he is." I countered with force.

While Cheonwu and I have never discussed about our sexual orientations openly, I could tell somehow that he was a heterosexual male, from the way he behaved around me and other men.

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