Chapter 13- Cheonwu

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Chapter 13

Minori's POV

The loud applause that I received at the end of my performance was definitely not what I expected.

Hell , the playing of the zither by me was also something that I did not expect.

In fact, I'm actually surprised that I was able to play the zither at all. I have never learned to play the zither back in my time. So how was it possible for me to be able to play the zither so well ?

The sense of déjà vu, the sense of melancholy I felt while playing and singing the song, the strange throbbing of my heart in pain and the way how the playing of the zither felt so natural back there made it some what clear to me that it wasn't the first time I played the zither .

But if that was the case, why don't I have any memory of myself playing or learning the zither ?

Puzzled over my miraculous performance, I walked back to my seat slowly.

" That was a great performance Princess Ke Jing .You are indeed one of the most talented ladies around." someone from the crowd shouted.

" Yeah! Your performance was just so filled with emotions. I could feel the heartache behind the song." Another added.

I smiled faintly upon hearing those remarks. I was glad that my performance pleased many, even though I had no idea how I've managed to complete that feat.

"That was a great performance you put up there. The song was just wonderful. Tell me,just which great master came up with this song and taught it to you ?" Kame asked in what sounded like a casual tone as I sat down next to him.

Yet, there was something about his eyes that told me that the question was anything but casual.

"I-I don't know." I said uncertainly.

"What do you mean by not knowing? How could you not know if you were able to play the song perfectly?" He asked agitatedly as he leaned closer towards me , as if to verify what I was saying was true.

" Who are you ? How are you related to Miya? Are you her sister , or maybe, you are Miya herself ? " He said more loudly this time.These confirmed my suspicions from earlier on that the question he was asking was anything but casual.

This was the second time I heard him mention the name 'Miya' , the first being when we first met on our wedding night. Something about the way he carried himself when he mentioned the name and the agitated manner that he is showing right now gave me an inkling of just how important this Miya was to him. And the knowledge of how important this woman was to him made me strangely uncomfortable.

"I have no idea what you are talking about.Believe it or not , I have no idea who this Miya is." I answered coolly as I attempted to put more distance between the two of us by pushing him backwards by his chest.

Unfortunately , with the keyword here being 'attempted' , I failed in keeping the distance between us.

With an intense glare that showed his displeaure , he grabbed my wrist roughly as he closed the distance between us even more by leaning even closer.

"What do you mean ? How can you not know when-"He was cut off abruptly as the king began speaking again.

"Well , I believe there is no winner to this competition. Both Saikhan and Ke Jing have shown exceptional talents that are as different as the beauty of the haunting moon and the glorious sun. I cannot compare the performances that the two of them have shown. Hence , I declare this as a tie!"

Loud roars of approval errupted around the room as the King gave the conclusion of the result of the competition.

As the crowd started turning around to congratulate me and Saikhan , I pushed Kame again to adjust our positions.

Perhaps because he knew that he would not be able to get an answer to his question , I was able to succeed quite easily this time round.

With a glare that showed his dissatisfaction , knowing that he would not be able to get the answer he wanted to hear or know, Kame left the hall with an angry flourish of his cloak.

Yep, you definitely have been a big fool, I chided myself internally, shaking my head lightly in late embarrassment as I recalled how I was almost seduced and enthralled by a guy like him.

" Even though the performances they put up at the welcoming party were fantastic and eye opening, I'm so glad that the party is finally over. There is a limit to the amount of time a normal human being can stand, and my limit has been reached a really long time ago. Speaking of great performances,that was a great performance you put up there Minori! I knew you would be able to beat that obnoxious spoilt princess ! " Trish said animatedly , waving her arms around wildly .

" I didn't exactly beat her. I mean, it was a tie. Besides, how did you even know I would be able to beat Saikhan when I have never shown any musical talent ? I bet it was just a gamble you took. " I responded jokingly as we strolled along the path that would lead us back to our accommodations for the night.

"You are wrong! It wasn't a gamble I took. I knew you would be able to do it right from the start. Because afterall, I heard you play before."

That stopped me in my tracks. A cold shiver ran down my spine as I realised what she said. How was it possible for me to have played for her if I have never learned to play back in my time ?

"What do you mean by that ? "

Trish froze. A nervous chuckle burst from her lips awkwardly before she began again, " hahaha. Oops... I must have confused you with someone else. You are right, there is no way I would have known. Now come on, let's hurry back. The skies are dark and I'm exhausted from our long travel."

The way Trish acted fueled my suspicions. From all the years I knew her, I could tell that she was hiding something important. And that something important concerned me.

"That was a great performance you put up back there. " A soothing and baritone voice suddenly broke out behind us.

Turning around, my breath caught in my throat as I saw the owner of that nice voice.

Under the moonlight, he looked more beautiful than he did in the day.

His long black hair cascaded down his back , forming a black fountain against his white top. His skin glowed with an ethereal beauty under the gentle moonlight. His eyes had a playful glint in them, adding more spirit to his already flawless and beautiful face. His red and kissable lips were curled into a gentle grin that looked strangely familiar.

How can a guy be this beautiful ? He puts all women to shame !

" Thank you, you are being kind. It wasn't really that good." I replied courteously.

"Not at all. It was really good , as compared to what you managed to play in the past. " Cheonwu said with a chuckle.

Huh? What did he mean by that ?

Before I could think deeper about what he said , he took a step closer to me.

"It has been a long time. I'm really happy to be able to see you again." Cheonwu said with a gentle smile before he crushed me against his chest in a tight embrace.

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