Chapter 6

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I finish dinner right as the boys get home. “You're in a good mood,” Nick says.

“By the way Ryan and his father are coming for dinner.” Robbie looks concerned.

“Do we really have enough food for that?”


“Okay.” He walks over and sits down at the table. Nick follows. I hand them glasses of water.

“How was work?”

“Fine,” Nick says.

“Hard,” Robbie states. There's a knock at the door. I stroll over. I smooth out my dress. I open the door. Ryan and Mark walk in. “Thank you for offering us dinner. Considering, how times have been hard lately.”

“Not for you,” Robbie mumbles. Luckily they didn't hear them. I pinch his shoulder. “Ow!”

I whisper in his ear, “Just because they're rich and we aren't doesn't give you the right to say that!” There's another knock at the door. I saunter over and open the door. Josh is standing there. I walk onto the porch and close the door behind me. “What?” I ask.

“I just wanted to tell you that we're all moved in.”

“Cool. Can I talk to you later?”

“Sure. I'll see you later.” The sun is just starting to set. I walk back inside and we eat. It's silent most of the dinner. 

Ryan and Mark go home. “You were very rude, you know that? God, what is wrong with you?!” I stomp outside. The sun is halfway through setting. Ryan walks up to me. “Sorry for my brothers. They're kind of jerks when it comes much money we have. I think they're just upset about... Scott.” My throat burns. I feel as if my legs are going to topple as I replay what happened. My hands shake as I raise them to my eyes. I don't want to cry in front of him again.

He wraps his strong arms around me. I cry into his chest. “It's going to be okay.” My tears soak his shirt. “Hey can I talk to you?” I look up. Josh is standing there. I look into Ryan's eyes. “Okay.” I walk down the steps. 

Josh and I walk into the forest. We stop. I look up. The sky is dark. Stars sparkle.“I wanted to give this to you,” Josh says. He holds out a silver necklace with a ruby shaped like a full moon. He opens the clasp and puts it around my neck. Josh closes the clasp. The blood moon appears. A warm breeze blows my hair gently around.  “Josh, this is dangerous.”

“Don't worry you're safe with me.” His eyes suddenly get bigger. They change to a yellow color. “Do you realize what I am?”

“I think so,” I whisper. “I was the one who killed my sister. She was outside looking for me and I struck. I couldn't help myself. Unlike your brother,” Josh states.

“What do you mean?”

“When he was in werewolf form and he talked to you he kept himself from killing you. You do know he is your village's werewolf, right?”

“You mean......You were the one who killed Scott?” He looks away ashamed. “Why?”

“When he came looking for you the first night of the blood moon he heard our conversation since he's a werewolf. He told me he heard what I said and then told me to stay away from you. I killed him so you would be able to come away with me. Please Julie. Come away with me. Let me bite you right now. You'll be just like me. No one will be able to destroy us. We will be so powerful together.”

“Never. What you do is disgusting!” He growls. I back up against a tree and close my eyes. 

After a few minutes I open the back up. A white wolf stands in front of me. “I didn't want to have to force you, but I guess I have to.” He leans in to bite my neck. Saliva drips from his bright white teeth. My eyes widen with fear, hatred, and wonder. I wonder what it would be like to be a werewolf. NO! I could never.....kill someone. We are face to face now.

Out of now where someone jumps down from a branch. The person jumps on Josh's back. The white wolf growls and starts snapping at the person. The person is Ryan. He tries to buck Ryan off, but he holds onto a chunk of fur. This makes Josh even more mad and he rolls over and Ryan is crushed by his gigantic wolf body. Ryan gasps for air after Josh gets up. The white wolf bounds toward me. Ryan looks up and sees what is happening. Ryan yells and sprints forward at the wolf. The wolf turns his head around and growls. It turns around completely and runs forward. It opens it's huge jaws and bites Ryan's arm. He turns back to me. Ryan isn't about to give up. He sprints and launches himself onto the wolf's back. He pulls a silver dagger from his belt and lifts it high above his head. Ryan brings it back down. It slices into the wolf's skull and blood pours out. Josh tumbles to the ground with Ryan still on his back. Ryan's head slams into the dirt with a thud. Josh turns back into human form. I rush over to Ryan who lays lifelessly on the ground. I lift his head onto my lap. “Ryan, wake up! Please wake up! Wake up, please.” His eyes open. 

“Julie? Is that you?” “Yes, it is.” “My head hurts. My arm does too,” He whines. I rub his forehead gently. He moves his limbs around, testing them out. Ryan looks at his arm. “The wolf bit me. I'm going to turn into a monster like...” He notices Josh. “Like Josh. I can't believe I let him stay in our house.” “How are we going to tell his family?” “I don't know.” A tear falls off my cheek and onto his. “I hate to see you cry Julie. Even though it doesn't change how beautiful you are. I've always liked you, but I never had the courage to tell you.” “The same happened with me,” I admit. 

I look down at the necklace. “I can't wear this,” I state. I unclasp it. I set it it Ryan's hand. “Here. You take it.” Ryan looks me in the eyes. “I'm going to have to leave the village. I won't be able to control myself. Since the full moon isn't for a few weeks I'm going to leave tomorrow. You can't tell anyone about me. I'll be burned,” Ryan tells. “I won't tell anyone. I promise. I want to come with you.” “I don't want to hurt you Julie.” “Then learn to control yourself! I don't want you to leave,”I say.  “I'll try. I don't to leave you either. If you change your mind though I will understand,” Ryan states. “I won't change my mind.”

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