Chapter 23

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The midday sun shines brightly. I sling an ax into a wheelbarrow and begin pushing it toward the forest. 

I reach the forest a pick up the ax out of the wheelbarrow. I look around. I see one tree that is very tall and dead. I begin chopping. 


Heather and I tip-toe after Ryan. When he chooses a tree and begins chopping I decide that I've never seen someone so hot.

Ryan's tan muscles bring up the ax then slam into the side of the tree. Sweat glistens on his forehead. After only a few hits the tree topples over. I didn't think someone could be that strong. Ryan sets the ax on the ground and pulls off his shirt. Heather's eyes grow big with excitement. His muscles bulge when he stretches. He continues to chop the tree. 

His bright blue eyes sparkle in the sun light. He flips his shaggy hair out of his eyesight. He wipes his brow. I whisper to Heather, “We have to leave. We have to make Ryan's lunch, remember?” Heather nods her head slowly. I grab her wrist and pull her away.

When we reach the village's gates we stroll in calmly then burst out in giggles. “He is so cute!” Heather squeals. “No,” I say. “He's super hot!” We both giggle some more. Boys my age whistle and wink at us. Normally I would roll my eyes, but I'm in too good of a mood to do that.

We fix Ryan up a delicious sandwich and some lemonade. We see Ryan stacking the wood behind the house. “I can't do it,” Heather says shyly. I smile gently. Heather always gets shy at the worst moments. “I'll give him his food, but you have to come out with me,” I say sternly. “Okay, fine,” She huffs out. I take the plate and glass in my hand. I walk out the back door.

“Hey Ryan. We just wanted to bring you lunch,” I say. Heather nods her head quickly. Ryan's shirt is still off. How did I not notice it? “Thanks girls.” He smiles at us. I smile, Heather blushes. “Heather go get Ryan a wet towel,” I say. She nods her head and quickly runs inside.

I walk over to Ryan. I can't hod it in any longer. I have to do it.

I stand on my tip-toes and kiss his lips. This is what surprises me. He is kissing me back. He pulls me in as close as possible and nibbles on my bottom lip. I open my mouth and his tongue explores it. I let out a little moan. I've had a lot of boys kiss me, but never like this before. I slide my left hand into his hair and my right hand up his shirt. I feel his abs then pecks. I slide my hand to his back and feel around. 

Ryan has both of his hands on my hips. I pull my hands away and begin to untie my bodice. My breasts pop out a bit more. 


I open my eyes slowly. I stand up and almost fall back down. I pick my my bloody knife and put it in my sheath. I pull out my canteen and take a big gulp. I continue walking.

After the entire day I see gates in the distance. I grin widely. I pull out the vile and drink it. I feel no different. I run for the gates.

I only have a few more yards. I stop to take a breath when I see Matthew. He knocks on the gates. A slit opens up and a pair of eyes look at Matt. They speak for a moment before the man closes the slit. The gates open and Matt walks inside. It takes all my strength not scream. I walk up to the gates. I knock loudly. The slit opens. 

A pair of large, gentle eyes greet me. They widen. The slit closes and the gate opens. I walk inside. The boy, a few years older then me, stares. I raise and eyebrow and continue on my way.

The men and boys of the village stare as I pass. A feeling of discomfort fills me. I pass a store window. My reflection startles me.

My breasts have enlarged, as have my hips and tush. My eyes sparkle in the sun light. My hair has become more airy,a lighter shade of brown, and  no longer tangled. I have chiseled cheeks and full, light pink lips. I look slimmer and taller. My skin has darkened and its tone has evened-out. My body has changed completely. 

I cock my head to the left. My hair falls easily off my shoulders. I become even more confused. Then I realize. The potion did this to me. I'm going to look like this for two whole days. Great! Not.

 I see a blacksmith shop out of the corner of my eye. I hold up the bottom of my dress and jog over to the door. I knock lightly. The door opens. A tall, burly man opens the door. He looks strong enough to kill a bear with his bare hands. 

I smile graciously. “Excuse me. Do you know a Ryan? He's 17 years old. Tall, strong...,” My voice fades off. I wanted to say handsome, but that would've been awkward.

The man smiles. “I do actually. He works for me. He's living in my guest room also at the moment.” What? Ryan used to be the one letting other people live with him. Now it's the other way around. “Do I know you? You look familiar,” The man says. “No. I don't think we've ever met before.” “Ryan is stacking wood in the back. You can go see him if you want,” The man states. “Thank you so much!” I say. I walk around the house into the back yard. What I see upsets me. It upsets me more than anything ever has. Ryan is kissing another girl.

A sob escapes me. Ryan turns his head to look at me. His eyes widen with fear and regret. I run out of the backyard, crying uncontrollably. Ryan calls after me, but I pay no attention. How could he do this to me?

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