Part Three:Chapter 17

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After walking a while in the forest, I see a gateway. I run for it. My bag hits my hip over and over again until I come to a stop. The gates are closed. I knock several times against the wood. A slot opens up. Two blue, green eyes stare at me.  “Who goes there?” A gruff voice asks. “I am Ryan White. I'm here to look for a job and a house to live in.” “Are you a beggar?” The gruff voice asks again. “No. I'm a blacksmith. I make my own money.” “What brings you to Martingale?” A name. I don't want this man to know my entire life story, nor why I left Caraway. “I left my hometown in order to find a better life for myself. My father was an abusive man,” I lie. Sorry, father. I don't like to shame you, but it's my only option. The gates open. I always was an amazing liar when I wanted to be. I walk in. The many people bustling around is comforting. Maybe I could actually find a better life here. A life without regret, pain, heart-break. 


I walk through the crowd. I look over heads of people and spot a blacksmith shop. I walk quicker. 

I reach the shop. I push the wooden door open. A man turns away from the blazing fire and walks over to me. “How can I help you?” He asks. “I was wondering if you have any job offerings?” The man seems to think about it for a moment. “We only have one spot left and I was thinking about giving it to the Garrison's boy.” My heart sinks. “Oh,” I say pitifully. “But I'll give you the job on one condition,” The man says. I can make out a slight accent in the man's voice. I stand up straighter trying not to feel sorry for myself. 

“You can't be sweet on my daughter. Every boy I get in here falls in love with her and only comes to work to see her. Then they don't do their work and I have to fire them. Can you promise me that you'll focus only on you're work and not on my girl?” “I promise, sir,” I say suddenly feeling small and tiny. I hadn't noticed how tall and built the man was until now. I know his daughter won't be a problem, though. I'm in love with Julie and no one else. I just wish Julie knew that. 

“You've got yourself a job, then. The name's Jonathan, but you can keep calling me sir,” Micheal says. “Yes, Sir.” “I haven't seen you around before. You new here?” “Yes,” I tell. “You got a place to sleep?” Jonathan asks. “No,” I say softly. “You can sleep here until you find a home for yourself.” “I couldn't,” I protest for all I have left is my pride. “You can and you will. When you're not working in the shop or cleaning in the house I want you out of here. You will only come in when invited in. You have to make yourself useful or out you go. You understand?” “Yes sir.” “Now start working.” I start getting busy. I need this and there's no way anyone will take it away from me.

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