Chapter 18

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Poor, simple Julie. She didn't take the time to read the extra writing. She was simply in too much of a rush. What she does not know is that this map has the writing of things magical, mystical, and dangerous. Hopefully these things will slow her down, but not kill her. My biggest fear is that she'll drink from the stream tainted by fairies. Ryan would kill me. I actually might kill myself if she fell ill and died. I can't live without her.


At mid-day I take a short break. Beads of sweat dot my fore-head. I wipe it with a rag. Jonathan walks into the blacksmith shop using the back door. “Are you ready for lunch?” Jonathan asks. “Yes, sir.” “Follow me into the house,” Jonathan orders softly. I follow him back to the house. 

In the house I notice Jonathan's wife setting out food on a table. A girl is sitting at the table, with her head down. Her hair hides her face. As I step in the house she lifts her head away from her drawing to inspect me.  I am so confused. Was this really the daughter he was talking about?

“Stella, this was the young man I was telling you about.” Jonathan look over at me. “You never told me your name, boy.” “It's Ryan, sir,” I say. “Ryan. A fine name. Ryan, this is my wife, Stella.” I shake hands with her. “But you can call her Mrs. Clarendon.” She whispers in my ear, “Just call me Stella. Jonathan gets too caught up making sure youngsters are polite.” 

“This is my youngest, Heather. My eldest is in her room. Lorelei, dinner's on the table!” He yells down the hall. I look at Heather. She smiles slightly and goes back to her artwork.


We all sit down when Lorelei enters the room. Her hips sway as she walks. Her long, thick, golden blond hair is in a side braid that falls on the left section of her chest. She has a skinny waist, large breasts, long legs, curved hips, and a large butt. She seems to be about my age. 

She sits at the table. “Lorelei, this is Ryan,” Jonathan says. “I heard,” She confesses. “He will be living with us until he finds a place to live. He's new to Martingale.” My cheeks flush. It's a bit embarrassing when someone tells their family I'm homeless and they've taken pity on my poor soul. 

“I don't mind him living here. I simply wish you had confirmed it with me,” Stella complains then stabs a bite of meat with her fork and shoves it in her mouth angrily. Heather says, “I'm glad Ryan is living with us for a little while,” She looks over at me. “We don't get very many visitors.” She sweetly smiles. I try to crack a small grin, but it does not appear on my face.

“How old are you?” Heather asks. Why can't Lorelei ask me something instead? Why should she care? I'm so confused. Lorelei eats so...gracefully. “I'm 17,” I answer. “Huh.” Heather looks over at her sister. “Lorelei is 16.” I choke on my food. Stella looks at her daughter. Jonathan slams his fist on the table and stands up. “Heather!” Jonathan yells. She stares down at her food. Lorelei seems undisturbed by the noise. Jonathan must get a lot of boys coming in and out of here. “Sorry Father,” Heather apologizes. Jonathan sits back down in his chair.

“You're lucky we have a guest room,” Jonathan says. “That's where you will be sleeping. It's down the hall across from Heather's room.” Yay!That's just what I need.    

“May I be excused father?” Heather asks. “Yes, Heather. The boy is done with his food. Show him to his room.” I do have a name. “You can take the rest of the day off,” Jonathan directs at me.

We set our plates in the sink. “Lorelei, it's you turn to do the dishes,” Heather says. Lorelei remains silent. Heather grabs my hand and pulls me  to my room.

“Mother brought in your bags.” They are placed next to the bed. “If you need anything I'm right across the hall, but if I'm busy Lorelei is down the hall.” Why couldn't Lorelei be across the hall and Heather down the hall. Maybe, I should forget about Julie. She chose Matthew, not me. But Lorelei probably doesn't like me anyway. I can't give up on Julie just yet.


I pass a sparkling stream. I have enough water. I have to get to Ryan. 

I come to a caravan painted dark green. I pull my canteen out of my pack. It is completely empty. I guess I was wrong. I knock on the caravan's door. An old woman comes to the door. White hair springs out from all directions on her head. Wrinkles line her face and body. I stand about five inches taller than her. 

“I'm so sorry to bother you, but I'm wondering if you could spare some water. I'm all out,” I say. She beckons me inside. She takes my canteen and fills it up with water from the tap. With an old cracked voice she asks, “Is there any other reason you came here?” “No,” I say, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. “Do you not know who I am?” She questions. “Unfortunately, no,” I reply. “I'm Prudence. The old  gypsy woman,” She declares. “Oh,” I quietly answer. 

Prudence hands me my canteen. “Come, sit.” I sit at the table with her. “I knew you were coming, Julie. I know there's a question that keeps nagging at your mind. What is it?” Prudence asks. “I don't have any questions,” I state. She stands up and grabs a few things off a shelf. She eyes me with a look of concern. “You can tell me darling. I'll understand.” I can't tell the words are coming out of mouth until it's too late. “Well, there is one question.” “What is it?” Once again the words come out without me wanting them to. “Does Ryan love me?” She chuckles. “Oh, yes. Ryan. The love of your life I presume?” I shrug my shoulders. “I suppose,” I say. “I have the perfect thing for you. Fairy Glamor. It can fool onlookers into believing what they are seeing is real,” Prudence tells. 

My mouth falls open in shock. She begins mixing ingredients in a wooden bowl. “Drink the entire vile before you knock on the village's gates.” Prudence pours some of the contents into a small vile. “It will last two days exactly. If Ryan  thinks your beautiful for your true self then you'll know,” She puts a cork in the top of the small vile. “He loves you.” She closes my hand over the vile and pats my hand. Prudence smiles. She pushes me out the door. “Oh and Ryan has taken sanctuary in Martingale.” She shuts the door in my face. I pause for a moment before skipping down the steps. I just accepted a potion. From a gypsy. Oh, well. I couldn't pass up the help of finding Ryan. I hope he loves me just as much as I love him. 

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