Chapter 21

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I sit on the bed in Heather's room while I braid her hair. “He's so cute!” Heather squeals. “Who?” I ask, afraid I already know the answer. “Ryan, silly! What about you? Do you think he's cute?” Heather asks. “Why do you ask so many questions?” I interrogate. I tie the braid with a ribbon at the end. She sighs. “Okay, fine. I guess he's kind of cute.” This is a lie. I think Ryan is absolutely gorgeous. “Besides he's too old for you. And me,” I say. “He's only two years older than me and one year older than you,” Heather states. I stick little flowers in the braid. “Think 'bout this. When he's 18 and moving out we'll both still be stuck here,” I convey.   

“I guess that's true, but it doesn't stop me from staring at him.” Heather giggles. “You can stare at him with me, if you like,” Heather declares. “And where are we going to stare at him from without getting caught?” I question. “I overheard Father telling him he needed to get firewood from the forest at Midday. I plan to follow him there,” She replies. “The forest is dangerous,” I remind her. “It's not that dangerous.” I can't let her get hurt and I cannot pass up the offer to watch Ryan, chopping wood. “Alright, alright! I'll come with you, but we can only stay for a few minutes. We have to have lunch prepared for Ryan when he gets back.” “Oh! That's a splendid idea!” Heather giggles again. “I can't wait!”


I turn the small vile over in my hands. The liquid inside it is a pale pink. I could have sworn I saw her put pink rose petals in it just to make it not look so gross. I thought I saw it as green before Prudence put in the petals.

I stash the vile in my pocket. I hear a loud roar from behind me. I turn around. In the distance I can see something big. Very big. I pull out my dagger. It charges toward me. With it being so large it reaches me quickly. Up close I can see what it is.

A Chimera stands in front of me. It has a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail. It stands on its two hind legs. It claws the air with its two front paws. It looks down at me. It growls then roars again. I turn around and run. It puts its two front paws on the ground and starts chasing me.

My heart pumps wildly in my chest. I look behind me. The Chimera is gaining on me. I hide in front of a tree. The Chimera runs past. I sprint after it.

I make sure to be quiet and graceful as of not to warn it I'm following. I hope this plan works. I sprint harder then jump into the air. I hold the dagger with both of my hands. I bring it down upon its back. Images of Ryan slamming his dagger into Josh's wolf head flash in my mind. Images of me try to land on Josh's back flash before me also. 

Blood pours out of the wound. It roars in agony. It turns its head around. The Chimera tries to grab me with its jaw and teeth. I rip my dagger out of its back. I run on its back. It snaps at me more. I jump up and jab my dagger into its eye. It roars again. Blood pours out of its wounded eye. I pull the dagger out and stab my dagger into its other the Chimera's other eye. It lets out a low, deep, loud growl. I stick my dagger in deeper and deeper and deeper. 

It tumbles to the ground when my dagger reaches its brain. It shivers in pain then dies. I try to pull out my dagger. It's stuck deep. I rip it out and stumble backward. I fall off the Chimera's head and onto the ground. The bloody dagger sticks into the dirt. I slam my head into a root and fall unconscious.

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