Chapter 20

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I walk over to the window. More stars have gathered in the sky. “Father says your drawing is pretty good, but he has no sense of art. I would have to see it myself,” An angelic voice says from behind me. I turn around. Lorelei is standing in the doorway with a hand on her hip and one knee bent. She holds out her hand. “May I see the drawing?” I freeze for a moment. Her big green eyes hypnotize me. “Are you just going to stand there?” She has a calm, quiet, yet sassy voice. Lorelei stares at me expectantly. I finally shake myself out of my hypnotized state. I pick up the drawing and set it in her hands.

Lorelei walks over to the bed. She sits down. Her eyes dazzle as they look at my artwork. She looks up. “Is this a girl you know?” She asks. “Uh, yes,” I clumsily say. My words come out slurred and squished together. This girl is killing me!

“This is good. I like it.” Lorelei sets it on my desk. She sweetly says, “Good night.” “I'll see you in the morning,” I reply. She is absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to see her face again, in the morning.     

A hand nudges me awake. “Ryan. Ryan! You gotta' wake up now!” Heather whispers in my ear. I slowly open my eyes. The sunlight streaming in through the window blinds me. “Mother says she wants you up in five minutes. Breakfast is on the table.” Heather walks out of my room. I get up and out of bed. I shuffle over to the drawer of my dresser. I pull out some clothes. I close and lock the door. I get changed. I run my fingers through my hair while walking into the kitchen. 

Lorelei is sitting at the table. She picks up a piece of bacon. She enters in into her mouth slowly, then also chewing slowly. It's like she's trying to tease me. Does she know how hot she looks when she does that? Lorelei smiles at me. I return the smile with an awkward grin. I sit at the table. Heather looks at me, blushes, and smiles. Stella sets a plate of eggs, toast, and bacon on the table in front of me. 

I chow down. “How's the food, Ryan?” Stella questions. I gulp my bite down. “It's delicious. Thank you.” She smiles. Why does this family smile so much? “Jonathan expects you to be working at eight o' clock. You have a few more minutes to finish up your breakfast.” I nod my head. I wonder what will happen if I don't start working on time?  You know what? I don't want to know. I shove down the rest of my food. 

I walk out the back door, jogging down the steps. I briskly walk over to the shop. I walk inside. Jonathan turns away from the fire. “Oh, good. You're right on time!” Thank god! Jonathan lists off the things he needs me to make and other things for me to do. I smile and nod my head. 

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