Starting my first ever book, filled with contradictory interpretations from reality and frustrated by the endless possesif desires of mankind, yet enlighted by philosophy and religion to critisize polititians and religious-men, and to emphasize their countless errors that may cause, soon, major changes in this 21st-century world, as they did before throughout ages... History never stops repeating itself, humans never learn.
Fight fire with fire ; That's why, i'll fight politics with philosophy, as i rank politics the derivate of philosophy, This being said, it shall have negative shades as it will have positive aspects. In other words, philosophy seeks to what politics, divested from its darkened sides, aims.

Non-FictionShort philosophical analysis and interpretations of our present reality. Includes: 1) Introduction: Unreached. 2) Chapter I: World Citizenship and The Human Family. 3) Chapter II: Universal Ethics. 4) Chapter III: Cosmopolitanism. 5) Chapter IV: The...