After the bloody World War II...
When, we thought it's over, we cut-off with torture, injustice and unlawful imprisonment ..
When, the universal declaration of Human Rights were adopted by the United Nations' General Assembly ..
When, Roosevelt took the position of 1st chair at the UNCHR, and Kant's philosophies were taken seriously and considered enormously ..
When, we accually believed we'd live in peace, freedom and equality in rights ...
"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the Human Family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world." This is the very first sentence of the preamble of our famous protocol, The rationnal ethics and the universal laws we fought to reach, yet still unreached.. The highest levels of conscienceness and civilism we willed to live in, still unreached.. The modern democratic state we wanted to take part of, still unreached.. Many possesion-free dreams hold still unreached, unfortunalety.
Political Hypocrisy has evolved to a high next level, create a fake facade and pretend to seek the greatest values of social equity, illusion.
An illusion to cover the bloodiest actions and the filthiest plans to possess, to own, to destruct, to murder.. to obey to the evilest desires and to cheap moral standards.

Non-FictionShort philosophical analysis and interpretations of our present reality. Includes: 1) Introduction: Unreached. 2) Chapter I: World Citizenship and The Human Family. 3) Chapter II: Universal Ethics. 4) Chapter III: Cosmopolitanism. 5) Chapter IV: The...