Chapter 2

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I cried.

I cried in my car.

I cried in my car in the driveway of his house.

I cried in my car in the driveway of his house for at least ten minutes.

It just made me so upset. How could I fall in love with such a ding wad like that?, I thought to myself.

I began to cheer up and try to drive home. I put on my Spotify playlist as the song Vanilla Twilight began to play.

This would come on when I'm in this state, I rolled my eyes.

As the song continued to play, it reminded me of me and Joey a little bit. This used to be one of our favourite songs to play because whenever we played it, we used to sing along.

He introduced it to me when we were living with Sawyer.

At the ending he sang to me, "When I think of you, I don't feel so alone. As many times as I blink, I'll think of you tonight."

That's exactly what happened. Every time that I blinked nowadays, all I saw was a moment of me and Joey's relationship from when we first met to yesterday when we were walking on the beach.

In my mind, I just couldn't believe that it was over. All three years of our relationship, our friendship, our trust gone down the drain into great nothingness.

He was my everything, but now I'm less valuable than a gum wrapper after you've spit your gum back into it.

I loved him and wasted so much time on him just for my feelings to be kicked to the curb like always.

My life is sooo great right now.


"Nina, what happened?" Jenny cried as I walked through the front door and she saw me crying.

"I screwed everything up." I then fell into her arms as she began to lead me onto the couch with her sitting down and my head in her lap as she played in my hair while I cried.

"You don't screw everything up, Nina. Just remember that everything happens for a reason. No matter what happens, you will always get over it."

"But Jenny, I spent three freaking years dealing with all his crap and I didn't even live happily ever after with him."

"You also spent almost three years with Trevor, but look how that turned out."

I then sat up to look at her. "It's not the same. Trevor was abusive and talked trash about everyone that passed by from his mom to the mailman that never did anything to him."

"But Joey is an Internet star. Stuff like this happens on the Internet all the time. Nowadays I'm surprised that anything is real anymore."

She did have a point there. "I'm just so sick of getting taken advantage of. It's really sad that this happens all the time."

"Well, that's life, Hun. Just remember me and Sean's relationship. He treated me like trash and now Sawyer treat me like a queen. You'll find your king one day, I promise you." She then got up off the couch and grabbed Lacey, who was passed out right beside me. She gave me a goodbye hug and left my house, which left me all by myself again.

I checked the time. 10:58. I went into my bathroom and took a quick shower. I dressed myself into a white t-shirt with comfortable sweatpants and slipped into bed.

Around 1 in the morning, I felt a tap on my arm. I opened my eyes to reveal Bryce's face.

"What do you want, sweetie?" I asked him in a grouchy tone.

"Can I sleep with you?" He simply asked. He gave me a sad look that I couldn't resist. He was just too cute.

I then picked him up and laid him on my stomach. He scooted further and further down until he was around my feet area and drifted off to sleep. I did the same as well.

- - - The Dream - - -

I couldn't see anything. Nothing but darkness. A light slowly lit up the room to reveal a factory. It looked very familiar.

I looked around. Blood was splattered all over the ground and a dead body laid on my far right. It was a girl with brown hair that had gotten shot in the stomach. Then I remembered.

"This is where I killed.." I began to say until I was interrupted by the demon herself, walking towards me swinging a grey chain around in a circle. She was wearing all black and you could see all her wounds from the single shot in her eye to the three in her legs.

"That's right, Naomi. You're in the same place your sister laid dead for over a day." Denika said with bot anger and joy in her tone of speech.

"Alexa's not dead yet, Nina. But don't get your hopes up about it. That little problem will be outta the way sooner than you think." She began circling around me. I looked down at my hands and saw that they were chained up. Same for my feet.

"You'll never take her from me. Over my dead body."

She pity laughed. "That could be arranged." As she circled around one last time, she stopped right in front of me. She then yanked on the chain as I began to collapse on the ground. She crouched down to my face and whispered, "yeah, Alexa isn't dead, and that's a shame. The best part is I'm not either." I then started breathing heavily until I saw all white.

- - End of Dream - -

I woke up to my heart beat racing like a marathon runner.

It was just a dream. I thought to myself. Just a dream.

I look around and see that Bryce is still asleep at my feet. I smiled.

One thing that always brings joy to my day.

jina for life // thatcherjoe fanfiction ✔️Where stories live. Discover now