Chapter 15

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"So Joey, how's that you and Daniel thing working out for you?" I asked with an attitude. Just because you give me food doesn't mean I'm not going to forgive you exposing my secret like that.

"Um..not going good." He started to rub his nose, which meant something was wrong.

"Awe, what happened?" Connor said. "I don't want my third OTP to crumble down."

"Who's your first two?" I asked. You can't just throw something out like that and not ask about it.

"Me and Troye and you and Joe, but that's not important. Joey, what's wrong?" I smiled.

"M-Me and Daniel broke up." He looked up from his plate and revealed the dry tear marks on his cheeks.


"What? Why?" Meghan asked, worry in her voice.

"Just disagreement on something. Look, I don't wanna talk about it right now, can we just forget I said anything? I really just...don't wanna talk about it."

"Alright. If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to." I responded, taking a bite of my food.

Most of the meal was silence, but when we got to the hotel me and Joe hung out a little bit longer until he decided to call it a night and go back to his room so he could get ready for the signing tomorrow. I told him goodnight and pecked his lips until he realized I was trying to distract him so he could stay.

After he left, I FaceTimed Alexa because I feel like she's being a little neglected. We talked for about twenty minutes until she decided she wanted to go to bed. I wanted to sleep also so I decided to hang up.

I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom. As I closed the bathroom door, I heard a knock on the door. I went to answer it thinking it was joe but saw someone completely different.

"Hi." He said, tears streaming down his face and eyes more puffy than a marshmallow.

"What do you want, Joey?" I said while rolling my eyes. "I'm trying to shower."

"Oh sorry. I was wondering if I could spend the night in here. Daniel kicked me out of the room." He looked down at his socks since he didn't have any shoes on.

"After the way you treated me today, no." I began to close the door until he stopped me.

"Please, Nina. I feel really bad for what I did and I can't stay anywhere else. You're the one who knows everything about me. You're the one I can trust with everything, no matter how personal or public. Even though we have our fights, I will always come to you with everything. You're my best friend, Nina. I'll never forget that. Just please let me stay." He seemed upset. I looked into his eyes and realized what I fell in love with.

His kindness.

His beautiful grey eyes.

His soft gentle lips.


I sighed. "Fine. But sleep in the extra bed."

He walked in with his bag in one hand while exclaiming, "Thank you." with a huge smile on his face.

"No problem." I smiled back and re-entered the bathroom and closing the door behind me so I could continue showering.

Once I was finished, I dressed into an old grey and white shirt tht I took from Joe back when we were dating and black sweatpants.

I walk out of the bathroom with a towel around my hair to dry and he started giggling.

"You still have that shirt?" He laughed, smiling wide.

"Yeah, it's comfortable. Plus, it reminds me not to stay the night or I might steal something." We both started laughing and talked aboUT the old times when we used to date and we're married.

He was right, we are kind of like best friends.

About an hour later, we started yawning and began to call it a night. I turned off my side of the light and was about to turn off his until I felt his hand touch mine. We nervously giggled as I tucked my hand back under my cover and he turned off the light.

Later that night, I felt the warm air inside the comforter mix with the cold from the rest of the room. I look up and only see blurryness, but I could just barely make out Joe's face.

I guess he snuck back in, I thought to myself.

"Couldn't stay away, could you?" I giggled a bit. He didn't respond but came into my bed and wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned on my right side and kissed his soft gentle lips.

"I love you." I said in between pecks, smiling a bit.

"I love you too." I heard him say, but I didn't hear it in his adorable British accent but in another voice that u never thought I'd have to hear those words mutter from his mouth ever again.

I open my eyes and gasp. "Joey!?" I yell and move away from his grip.

He looked up at me. "What?" He says as if we didn't juse get a divorce almost a month before.

"You just kissed me!" I tell him to help him realize what he had done. His eyes slowly widened while coming back to reality with his actions.

He jumped out of my bed and put his shirt back on. "But you said you loved me." He argued.

"Yeah, because I thought you were Joe, not you!"

He scratched his head trying to figure out what to do.

"We must never tell a soul."

"Agreed." We shook hands and turns off the TV and the room filled with darkness and silence.

I remembered feelings his lips. Being a perfect fit together and fireworks going off every time we kissed.

"Hey Joey." I started off saying.

"Yeah?" He responded, looking over at me and only seeing his gorgeous grey eyes piercing through the night.

I bit my lip. Here goes nothing, I thought to myself.

"Just because I said to stop doesn't mean I didn't like it."


Merry Christmas guys! Hope this didn't make you too upset.

Love you all! 💜


jina for life // thatcherjoe fanfiction ✔️Where stories live. Discover now