Chapter 6

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Jade, Jenny, Alexa, and Jaylen all came over a few minutes after Joe left. They were so excited after i told them that Joe came over today, and the only thing they wanted to talk about was our chemistry.

So, what do you think about him?" Jaylen asked, with a smirk on her face.

"He's really cute—I mean smart, great sense of handsome—I mean..humor. He's really gorgeous—I mean..well, I meant gorgeous to be honest."

"So do you think he's cute?" Jenny asked, her smile growing at the second.

Jade pitched in a bit. "No, she said he was drop dead gorgeous." We all laughed as I began to look down again.

I sighed. "I may have a tiny, itsy bitsy, tiny winy feelings for him." Silence grew in the group until Jade broke it.

"Girl, just answer the damn question!" She yelled.

I sighed. "Yes."

Alexa squealed. "I knew you liked him!"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, what's the big deal?" I then take another sip from my lemonade.

"The big deal is you haven't been with anyone else but Mr. Wrong for the past three years. You've gotta get back in the game, Naomi Renee." Jenny replied to my insensitive comment.

"Yeah, Nina. We all know you haven't gotten over this whole breakup situation, but Joey has. You have to go out and date again." Alexa explained.

"I don't really, I have my kids and that's all that matters."

"Yeah, but what if your kids go off to college? You'll be stuck here with nobody to talk to or love you like the right guy would. What if Joe is that right guy and you're just not giving him a chance?"

"Who would love such a mess like me?"

"Number one, didn't you say he was flirting with you?" Jade started pointing out.


"Well, he's into you at least. Number two, you may be a mess, but you sure know how to make it work. You're more like a hot mess."

I giggled. "Hey, don't start flirting with me or I'll tell Kaden."

She rolled her eyes. "And number three, didn't you already get one guy to fall in love with you? So why not do it again?"

I looked down at my feet. "I just don't think I'm ready."

"Yes you are, you're just ready for Joey, not for Joe—" Jenny, starts to say before I start having a fit.

"I'm not ready for any guy." I yell at her. They all start staring at me in a concerning way. I didn't know what to do. I really just wanted to cry. "I-I'm.." I feel a tear drop from my eye down my cheek onto the floor. "I'm not ready."

I then storm into my room and lay on my bed, closing the door behind me with my foot. I lay onto my pillow and begin to cry. I heard the front door open and close, which meant they left, which made me cry a bit louder.

A few seconds later, I hear my bedroom door open. I looked up and saw that it was Alexa. She sits next to me and smile.

"I thought you left." I tried to say without my voice cracking.

She scoffed. "Like I would leave my big sis crying." I then sat up and laid on my shoulder. "You can let it out now, nobody will hear." I then began to sob as she gracefully patted me on the back.

She's such a great sister.


It was Saturday, also known as the day Joe asked me to get coffee with him.

I arrived at the Starbucks about 2 miles away from my house, just like the one Joe told me to go to. Jenny was keeping the kids so I wouldn't have to drag them along with me and have to buy them extra snacks, because as soon as someone gets something, they think they have to get something too.

I was wearing a black cami with a black and white boyfriend shirt tied around my waist, light washed jeans, and white converse.

I walk in and look around for him. I see him in line, so I go up behind him and put my hands over his eyes. He was wearing a white t-shirt with dark washed jeans, and black converse. Looks like we were matching today.

"Guess who?" I say with a giggly voice.

"Well, you're the only girl I've talk to outta my entire US trip, so I'm thinking it has to be Nina." He responds taking my hands off his eyes and turning around to look at me. I look down and realise that we were holding hands, but I didn't say anything about it until he pulled his hands away and apologised.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." He said, cheeks turning a bit pink of embarrassment.

"No, no. You're fine..I kinda actually liked it." I started to blush the same shade that he did.

"Oh..well then." He then took one of my hands again and interlocked our fingers together. I started blushes every 50 shades.

When we got up to the counter, our hands were still interlocked.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks. What can I get for you?" The cashier woman said.

"Can I have a grande Vanilla Bean frappuccino, extra whipped cream, no coffee?" I say to her.

"Can I just get a grande regular coffee?" Joe ordered.

"Alright, that'll be $6.05." I got out my money, but joe already swiped his credit card.

"Don't worry about it, love." He said to me with a smile on his face. "I'll pay."

I then smiled. He was so sweet.

"You two make such a wonderful couple." The cashier smiled at us. We both look up at her.

"Oh, no no no no no. We aren't a couple." I reassured to her.

She looked confused. "Then why have you been holding hands this entire time..?"

I looked down and saw that she was right. We have been holding hands this entire time. I quickly separated my hand from his and started blushing. She rolled her eyes and moved on to the next customer in line.

"Well, that was—" he started to say before I finished his sentence.

"Absolutely embarrassing? Yeah, I know." We then sit at a table and wait for our names to be called to let us know our drinks were ready.

jina for life // thatcherjoe fanfiction ✔️Where stories live. Discover now