Chapter 5

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The two sisters here. I think I'm getting a bit carried away with these characters...

I woke up with a splintering headache.

What happened last night? I thought to myself. The last thing I remember is getting in the car with Alexa and driving off to the club. Wait...did she get me drunk? That little brat.

I look around me and see that I'm in a familiar room. Where am I?

I look down and see that Nyielle and Bryce are next to me. Am I at Joey's house? I get up and instantly feel dizzy.

I got out of the room and walk downstairs to see that I was at Joey's house. I see Daniel in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Morning, Dan—" I say before he interrupted me.

"Don't even speak to me. After last night, I really don't wanna deal with you."

I had a confused look on my face. "What happened last night?"

He turned around. "You don't remember? Well let me break it down for you." He then got into my face and started practically yelling at me. "You came here outta nowhere wanting to take the kids home, even though you were drunk. You started yelling at me telling me to get outta your house, even though it's been a month since you two got a divorce. You cried almost all night because Joey didn't kiss you back and the only way to calm you down was to let you sleep with the kids for the night! Why can't you just take a hint that Joseph Michael Graceffa doesn't wanna be with you anymore!?"

I started to cry as I sat down on the couch. "I didn't mean to get in your way like that. It's just been so lonely without anyone to love and care about you. Have you ever felt unloved?" His anger slowly went away and was left with huge regret.

He sat down next to me and began to pat me on the back. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, I didn't know you felt that way. I'm being a real jerk."

"Don't feel like that. It was my fault. I'm still hanging onto Joey and thinking we can still work this out. I know that you and him are so happy and...I just want that, I guess."

He then smiled at me. "You'll get that one day, I promise." He gave me one last pat on the back and resumed to making breakfast. I then begin to put their bags in my car and go back on the couch and go on Instagram until I heard Nyielle crying and ran upstairs to get them both up. I began to play with Nyielle as Bryce played with wolf.

A few minutes later, Joey comes downstairs and smiles.

"I'm surprised you guys aren't gone yet." He say to me when he comes downstairs and picks up Nyielle.

"We wanted to say goodbye before we left. Especially since we're moving." I say as I get up.

"Moving!? Moving where!?"

"Probes gonna get a fresh start in London. Hope you're okay with that." I then took a piece of hair and put it behind my ear.

"No! I wanna be able to see my kids more often than every once and a while. That's what I was gonna ask you if we can both get partial custody of the kids. I wanna see them more, and I can't see them more if they're almost all the way across the world."

"Well, I'm sorry, but we're leaving in two months. Or maybe after VidCon. I haven't decided yet."

"Please don't leave. I'm gonna miss the kids so much."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm leaving, and you can't stop me." I then took Nyielle out of his hands and grabbed Bryce away from Wolf.

"Say goodbye to daddy, kids." I said as i opened the door and began to leave.

"Bye daddy." Bryce sadly said, looking as if he was about to cry. I then slammed the door behind me as I heard Joey crying soon after. I buckled them into their car seats and began driving off back to my place.

"Mommy, when am I going to see daddy again?" He cried from the back seat.

"I don't know, buddy. We'll see." I continued driving and as soon as we got home, I made us breakfast. As we began to eat, I hear my phone go off. I grabbed it to see who it was.

#1 Thatcher 🙇🏼(a minute ago):

Hey, so I was wondering if I could come over to ur place. I have nothing else to do right now.

I smiled. "Sure, that's fine. You can meet my kids." I respond.

"Woah, you've got kids? What could make you more perfect?"

"Nothing 💁"

"😂😂😂 whatever. I'll be there in 10"

"K, c u then."

I then started to take a quick shower and get dressed into a white crop top with overalls and brown ankle boots. I then straighten my hair, but as soon as I heard the door, I swore under my breath because I wasn't finished. I just rolled with it and opened the door to see him in a black muscle t-shirt with dark washed jeans and black converse.

"Hey, there." I said. I gave him a hug.

"Hey." He then wrapped his arms around me and we stayed there for a few moments until I heard Bryce clear his throat. I turned around and looked up and he did the same, keeping his right arm on my waist. It made me blush slightly.

"Um.., you wanna come in..?" I stuttered, trying to hide my pink cheeks.

"Uh..s-sure." I get him inside and close the door behind him as he plops down on the couch and puts his hands behind his head and.

"So, do you want something to drink? Coke, water, lemonade?" I offer, sitting down next to him.

"Could I get a coke, please and thank you?" I then get up and go the refrigerator and get him a coke and pour me a glass of lemonade. I hand it to him as he pops the soda open and takes a sip. I look at him and he looks back at me and smile. I smile back and bite my lip a bit.

Nyielle then comes up to me and smiles with her four little teeth showing. "Hi, Ellie."

"Awe, she's so cute. What's her name?" He asks, his smile growing wider.

"This is Nyielle, and that little guy over there is Bryce." I respond pointing out Bryce, who was playing with his toys. Joe waved to hi and he waved back.

"They're really cute." He said, looking back at me. "Just like you.."

I started blushing again. "Thanks."

"No problem." We then kept talking for a little while until I got a text from Jenny, asking if her and the girls could come over and hang out.

He got a text as well and began to get up. "Well, I have to get going, but we're still on for coffee Saturday, though?"

I giggled. "Yeah, I guess."

"See you then." He then put his arms around my waist as I put mine around his neck.

As he released, he walked out the door. I began to blush again. "See you then.."


Should I bring back the contests? I was thinking about it and I might start..

Also, I'm putting off doing the Janiel book until this one is all caught up with everything to make sense. Also, I'm all outta ideas for them to do sum so the next chapter might just be VdiCon for that book.


jina for life // thatcherjoe fanfiction ✔️Where stories live. Discover now