Chapter 7

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As soon as we heard our order get called, Joe went to go retrieve our drinks as I sat down at the table and checked my phone. I had gotten a text from Alexa.

Alexa 👧🏽👭(4 min ago):

So, how's your date going??

I rolled my eyes and began to text back. "It's not a date, just going out to get coffee."

"One-on-one with the guy you like is considered a date." She responded.

"Does that rule go apply for children too? Please, that seems like a kindergarten rule."

"It is a kindergarten rule! That's how me and Dean dated for the entire time at elementary school."

"That means your entire relationship is a lie, Alexandra."

"Don't sass me, Naomi. Go back to your date."


He then starts coming back over to the table, so I put my phone back in my pocket.

He hands me my drink and I thank him and take a sip.

"So what brings you out here to LA?" I asked him, trying to start conversation.

"Just visiting one of my friends that live here. I don't really see him often, so I just came down here and thought that all we would be doing is hanging out, but I'm here on a date with a beautiful girl."

I almost choked on my frappuccino. Did he really just say date!?

"Oh, that's nice." I tried to stay calm but inside I was going into panick mode.

"So, why are you here in LA, Miss Fury? You originally come from Montana, so why go from Montana to here?" He said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Well, after my mom died when I was 16, I started getting more depressed about not having someone to talk to or rely on anymore, so me and my best friends Jade and Jenny decided to get a fresh start in Los Angeles after we finished college. I started taking classes at the University of California for my Masters in Art. Then I met Joey and thought he was the love of my life."

"Well, you know what they say. If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours forever. If not, it wasn't made to be yours."

I nodded my head and took another sip of my frappuccino. "So, what do you wanna do after this?" I asked him.

He finishes off his coffee. "We can go back to your house and hang out with your kids." I get up with my frappuccino in my hand.

"Cool, you can also meet Jenny. She's sawyer's wife and she's gotta kid named Lacey."

"Alrighty then. Let's go." We then walked out of the Starbucks and into my car and drove back to my house.

When we got into the house, Bryce and Nyielle immediately came up to me and wrapped their arms around my legs. I picked them up and kissed their heads. Jenny and Lacey were on the couch, watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on her phone.

"Hey, Nina. How was coffeeeeeee—hiiii there." She said as she realised that Joe was with me.

"Hello." He waved at her and she waved back, cheeks turning red by the minute.

"Jenny, this is Joe Sugg, ThatcherJoe on YouTube." The thought of his name made my cheeks turn a bit pink. "Joe, this is Jenny Hartman." She got up from the couch and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you." He said as he shook her hand.

She whispered into my ear, but not quiet enough for Joe to hear. "He's cuter than you describe him as."

"You think I'm cute?" Joe asked me.

I started blushing again. "Maybe a little.."

"Well then..." He blushed. We all then sat down and continued to talk until around eight when Jenny had to take Lacey home to settle her down for the night. We said goodbye to her and we were sat there, staring at each other. We were sitting there in silence until he broke the silence, snapping me back into reality.

"Well, it's getting late. I have to be going.." Joe said, getting up and off the couch.

"Can I walk you to your friend's house? I don't want you walking by yourself." I offered.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks for the offer, though."

I walked over to the door with him and we stood there, faces about two feet away from the other. He began to held my hand as I blushed.

"Well, thanks for coming." He smirked.

Just kiss him!, my thought said to me. We've all been waiting for this!

I put my hands on his cheeks and crash his lips into mine. I slid my hands across his neck as he puts his around my waist. He began to kiss back and we stood there, my lips connected to his. The kiss felt passionate and long, which I would expect from a first kiss.

After a few seconds, he pulled away, as I immediately missed his lips being on mine.

"I'll see you later." He said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it, giving me goosebumps. I opened the door for him as he left, letting go of my hand. I closed the door behind him and immediately missed him. Then an idea popped into my head. I opened the door once more to see him, walking out my gate.

"Joe!" I called out, catching his attention. "Please stay."

He smiled. "I'll get my stuff and we can snuggle." He then walked out my gate and ran to get his stuff.

I closed the door and took out my phone. I looked through my contacts to change his name from #1 Thatcher 🙇🏼 to Suggy 😍😝🙇🏼.


They're official! Yaaassss!

Also, I'm putting Janiel on hold till I get this book all caught up. As soon as it's finished, I'll start updating it. I have writer's block with it soo....😐



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