but for now, i love you.

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Seven Months Later:

"I'm home!" Yoongi shouts, walking through the apartment doors, greeted by Hoseok who hugs him around the waist fondly.

"How was work?" Hoseok grins, kissing Yoongi on the cheek.

"It was boring, as usual—but, I finally put in my two-weeks notice!" Yoongi says cheerfully, causing Hoseok to giggle.

"I'm so proud of you. You were never meant to be an accountant," Hoseok says, "What's the next job you have in mind?"

"Well..." Yoongi says, raising a cheeky eyebrow, "Our old art teacher, Annie, is retiring from Washington High next year. They'll need a new art teacher, and for some reason, my name was put in as a suggestion for assisting her for the next year. I haven't spoken to anyone from Washington in years, Hoseok. Except for you..." he leers, as Hoseok blushes,
"You wouldn't happen to know how I got this job offer, hm?"

"I may or may not have suggested you," Hoseok dodges, "But, out of completely-uninvolved curiosity—are you taking the job?"

"I'm officially a student teacher," Yoongi says smugly, "Anne is going to show me the ropes for her last year, and then I'll step in after her," Yoongi smiles, "Thank you for this, Hoseok."

"What...?" Hoseok says over-dramatically, "I had nothing to do with this!" he lies through his teeth.

"I love you," Yoongi mumbles, kissing Hoseok before walking to their shared closet, "But, it just dawned on me that I only own business suits and casual clothes. What do you wear when you teach?"

"You're going to be an art teacher, and you're Min Yoongi! Go casual. It'd be fake if you did anything else!"

"You're right," Yoongi grins, "Thank God I have you to remind me of who I am," he groans, rolling his eyes and pulling out his classic white-t-shirt-and-ripped-jeans ensemble.

"In celebration of your new career path, I invited over a few friends tonight. It'll be a small get-together. I don't want to overwhelm you," Hoseok says to Yoongi sympathetically.

"Who's coming?" Yoongi asks nonchalantly and confusedly.

"Well... Taehyung, Nic, Jimin, Jungkook, Soyul, Namjoon and Jin, and their plus-one."

"I haven't seen any of them properly in ages!" Yoongi beams, running to Hoseok, "Well, except Soyul because we get brunch on Wednesdays—but that's beside the point. Who's Namjoon's and Jin's plus one?"

"You don't know?" Hoseok asks, astounded.

"Hm? Should I?" Yoongi asks, confused.

"Are you even on Facebook? Are you a part of life? Also—how didn't I ever tell you?" Hoseok asks rhetorically, shocked.

"Just spit it out," Yoongi groans, "Who is it?"

"Namjoon and Jin have a baby!" Hoseok says, shocked, "How didn't I ever bring it up! I'm a bad friend, and a bad boyfriend. Amazing!"

"They have a baby!?" Yoongi shouts, brushing off Hoseok's remarks, "HOW?"

Hoseok laughs, "They've been together for almost seven years! I guess they thought it was time to adopt a kid, and so they did!"

"That's crazy. I'm getting my first real job, and my high school friends have a baby. I need to lie down," Yoongi moans, rubbing his temples and sighing, "Is it a good baby?" he asks with closed eyes.

"She is very lovely," Hoseok groans, "Her name is Hyejin and she's small and beautiful—and I still can't believe you didn't know about this."

"I don't know," Yoongi brushes off, "I need to nap now. Wake me up before they all arrive, okay?" Yoongi requests, as Hoseok nods yes.

"I love you," Hoseok insists as Yoongi flops onto their bed.

"I love you too," Yoongi says back in a tone muffled by the duvet and pillows in his face.

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