Chapter 3

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Hey guys it's ya boy.... Just saying. I've decided to update this story because you guys have been waiting for so long. So here is CHAPTER 3 of The Legacy of Matt Daniels.

         I walk to a boarded up window that I could look out of and saw dogs. I turn to Alex and told him, "Yo there are dogs outside." He gets up, walks over and says "Damn." We both grabbed our weapons and put out the fire, we are enveloped in darkness. Alex and I let our night vision adjust and we open the door.

          Immediately a shadow jumps at me, I swing my bat and hear a solid thud as the bat connects with the dogs side. I can feel the crack of bones in my hands. The dog hits the ground at an awkward angle and stays there whimpering. I look over at Alex just in time to hear a crack and see a dog fall motionless to the ground and, head at an awkward angle.

           We both look out and see more glowing eyes moving towards us. I lift my bat as if to hit a pitch. Alex picks up a pipe that's laying right next to him. The dogs come at us, two by two. With a struggle we somewhat easily dispose of them. Our weapons are covered in blood and fur.

             We start walking down the street at about nine o'clock at night. We come across a small group of zombies feeding on the sun-dried carcass of a human. I quietly walk towards them, there was broken glass but I didn't see it and stepped on it. One of the zombies facing me me made eye contact, stood all the way up and yelled.

             The zombies started running towards us. I raised my bat and swung. I knocked a zombie to the side, hit another one in the head, swept ones legs out from under it before being over whelmed. That's when Alex stepped in swinging his pipe left and right. I could finally get some room to back up. I swung my bat at a zombie right behind Alex.

             The swing was an upper cut to the jaw. It made it flip backwards through the air ten feet. Alex heard the crack of the bat connecting with its target. He nods thanks and keeps at it. We dispose of them with more of a struggle than with the dogs.

              We walked away from the carnage with a limp and a couple of scratches. A couple of zombies lumbered up and looked around, looked in our direction and lumbered off. Alex and I let out a sigh of relief.

              We kept walking until dawn. We walk into a house and don't even do a standard check to make sure those demon spawn don't turn one of us. Alex and I find a couch and chair and fall into them. I get up to close and lock all doors. When I get back to my chair I sink into it and start to doze off. I hear the patter of footsteps and wake up. I grab my baseball bat and walk around the house.
              I walk into a room and get ambushed by a girl that looks about my age, she is holding a hunting knife to my throat. I smile at the fact she ambushed me. I turn slowly and offer her food from my Pack and ask her what her name is. She looks at me, "my name is Nikki. Yes I would like some food." I reach into my pack and pullout canned pineapples and hand it to her and she drinks them down. She falls asleep after she ate. I pick her up and carry her down stairs.

That's the new chapter guys. I'm sure you want to know more about Nikki and my character. But you'll find out soon enough!!!

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