Earning a Place

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She followed Hunter, Stone and Bark back to the twolegplace, and crossed many thunderpaths before arriving at an alleyway.

"Here it is Fang." Hunter said.

Fang stepped into the alley. It was quite disappointing there was garbage everywhere and scraggly cats walked solemnly around, occasionally hissing at one another for a scrap of food.

"Welcome to Bloodclan!" He yowled, causing a bunch of heads to turn. There eyes widened when they saw Fang,

"Scourge?" Some of them asked "Is he really back?" Others said. Fang stepped into the middle of the gathered cats.

"My name is Fang! I am the daughter of Scourge!" She glanced around, "I have left my previous clan to come here."

"How do we know you aren't lying!" A cat shouted from the crowd.

"Are you blind?" Fang snarled. "Look at me! Does it look like I'm lying?"


"I think, that Fang should join us." Hunter piped up. "But she has to earn her place like any other Bloodclan cat."

Fang whipped her head around to look at him. "I think the point I've made earns me a spot in Bloodclan."

He chuckled softly. "That means absolutely nothing to them." He looked away from her and averted his gaze to Bark and Stone. "Bring me a cat."

The two nodded their head and soon came back with a large fierce looking tom. Fang gulped, she was barely a warrior, only around 14 moons. How could she take on a tom of this size!

Fang's hair stood up when the tom snarled his lip drawing back to reveal large yellow teeth. The first blow from the tom caused her to lose the small gold bell on her collar, and after that Fang realized there was no way out of this.

Fang had now found herself lying on her side her chest heaving, the blow from the large tom sent her almost flying across the alley. She struggled to her paws, determined on beating him.

She looked around trying to find a place or something she could use to her advantage, but all that was there was dumpsters and piles of trash. She looked back at her opponent, an idea sparked into her head.

Fang flexed her claws and started running at the tom, making him think she was going to run headfirst into him. The tom jumped into the air trying to dodge the blow, but unfortunately for him that was what Fang wanted him to do. With a quick swipe of her single white paw, she felt her claws glide through the belly of her opponent.

When she finally got back into reality the tom was lying dead on his side blood slowly seeping through the large wound on his stomach. His paws would twitch slightly but after a few seconds fell still.

The crowd of cats around her were in utter shock, and after a few moments they filtered away. Hunter stepped forward. "Aren't you going to get your trophy"

"My what?"

"We all have ours." Hunter said as he lifted his paw to brush the collar decorated with teeth and claws he was wearing.

"Uh..." Fang didn't know what to say. She just slowly approached the body of the tom she had just killed.

"His name was Toby." Hunter muttered.

"What do I do to obtain said trophy?"

Hunter laughed. "One tooth one claw. I'll let you figure out the rest."

"What-" But he had already left. Fang sighed and used her paw to gently open the tom's, no, Toby's mouth.

Fang had to admit, it was quite a hard process getting one tooth and one claw, but she did it. She looked around at the other Bloodclan cats, then back at the tooth and claw at her paws. She shook her head slightly and picked up the claw in her mouth.

There she was, Fang in all her glory strutting down the alley with a claw and tooth sticking out of her collar. Fang was proud. Proud that she had left everything behind to join a life of starvation and bloodshed.

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