Bramble and Fire

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Fang was finishing the small mouse Dustpelt had thrown to her. She wasn't the happiest cat right now for two reasons. One,she hated being treated like a badger or dog those uneasy stares and the threats to kill her. Two, it's been like 2 moons and Bloodclan still hasn't come to get her. She licked her paw and swiped it over one ear, she heard someone entering the den.

"Dustpelt for the millionth time! I'm not digging a hole to Shadowclan!" She turned her head to face Bramblepaw, "Oh, it's just you."  She saw the scar on his muzzle "I got you good didn't I?"

He ignored her question "I got permission from Firestar to take you hunting with me, I thought it would be a good idea to get you out of this den."

She stared at him "Uh, um yeah sure!" She stood up. "Well are we going or not?"


They were in the forest, Fang was carrying a mouse in her jaws and Bramblepaw was trailing behind her. She stopped when they reached the foot of a tree and began scraping at the ground,  she threw the mouse into the hole and covered it up.

"Tell me how honestly why you brought me out here." She stood face to face with Bramblepaw.

"Well I needed a hunting buddy." He began prodding the ground.

"Uh huh, sure." Fang turned around and continued walking. Before she stooped down into a crouch. She inched forward and launched herself into the air, batting at the thrushes wing before it could fly away. She turned around proudly carrying the thrush in her jaws.

"Not too shabby." Bramblepaw complemented, "I remember you were the only apprentice that could kill a thrush correctly."

"Were I still am the only apprentice that can do that!" She let out a mrrow of laughter.

"I bet you I can do better!" He nudged her challenging.

"Fine, cat with the most prey wins!"

"What do you get if you win though?"

"It just proves that I'm the better hunter!" With that said she raced off.

"What? Who said that you were gonna win!" He ran off in a different direction.

Fang was already filling up her pile of prey. She was stalking a squirrel, she jumped but it climbed up the tree. 

"Fox dung!" She glanced back at her prey pile. "Well he couldn't have caught that much!" She grabbed a few pieces and carried them back to where they said they would meet, she continued bringing back the rest of it. Then Bramblepaw emerged from the undergrowth.

"Woah! I didn't nearly catch as much as you!" He dropped his prey off and ran to grab the rest. When he came back Fang was licking her chest with pride.

"How does it feel to get beat?" She purred.

"Not that good actually." He grabbed a mouse rom his pile and started walking back to camp "let's bring this back to camp!"

Fang nodded her head and carried the prey to camp. Where they were greeted by Firestar.

"Woah Bramblepaw you caught all this prey?" Fangs fur bristled.

"I'm the one who caught half of it!" She snapped.

Bramblepaw rested his tail on her shoulder signaling to calm down. He picked up the prey he dropped and put it on the fresh kill pile. Fang did the same with the rest if the prey, they had caught. She then slipped into the den she was being held prisoner in, she sat down and began eating the squirrel Dustpelt had left her. 

She lifted her head when she heard Firestar enter the den. 

"What do you want?" Fang asked.

"Do you want to go back?"

"Go back to where?"

"To Bloodclan."

Fang's ears perked up, "Do I want to go back! Of course I do!"

"Then at Sun High tomorrow I'll let you go, as long as you don't mess with the clans."

Fang bristled her fur. "I never wanted to mess with the clans anyways... Bloodclan is coming along well, they are close to becoming true clan cats."

Firestar narrowed his green eyes. "Bloodclan is nothing more than a bunch of filthy rouges, they'll never amount to a clan."

Fang dug her claws into the earth below her. "That's what you want to believe." She looked away from the tom. "I'll leave tomorrow."

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