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Fang's eyes flickered open, it was almost sun high, and she was ready to go back to Bloodclan.  She crawled out of the den, then walked into the forest.  She followed the Thunderpath into the Twolegplace. While walking along the smooth stone that lined the Thunderpath she caught the familiar scent of Venom and a few other cats.

A growl rose in her throat as she began to move at a quicker pace. She spotted Venom and his patrol around a pile of trash scavenging. "Venom!" She yowled.

Venom turned around eyes growing wide at the sight of Fang. "F-Fang?"

"You coward!" She launched herself at Venom. "How dare you leave me there for the clans!"

Venom dodged her paw swiping down towards his muzzle. "There were too many! I couldn't fend them off on my own!"

Fang swung her paw striking Venom's nose, blood spattered everywhere. "You couldn't at least bring a patrol!"

Venom pushed her off him with his hind legs. "I'm sorry okay! I'm not used to this whole helping cats out thing!"

Fang lashed her tail, trying to calm herself down. She looked up at Venom with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry. It's just... don't ever leave me, let alone another clan member."

Venom lowered his head. "I'm sorry as well for not coming to get you."

"I'm going to go back to camp." She looked over at the other cats who had stopped scavenging and were staring at them with wide eyes. "Keep scavenging, we need all the food we can get."

Without another word Fang made her way back to the alley. She wanted to get some rest but on her way to her den she was stopped by a cat. 

"Bailey what is it?" Fang stared at the thin cream she-cat in front of her. 

Bailey looked flashed her amber gaze to her paws then up. "There's someone here to see you, her name is Shadowpelt."

Fang's blue eyes widened, she pushed past Bailey and spotted her mother lying on her side, flanks heaving blood poured from a gash on her flank. "Shadowpelt!"

Shadowpelt looked up at Fang affection shining in her eyes. "Fang, its good to see you one last time."

"What, what are you talking about?" Fang asked.

"When you came back to the..." She stopped short wincing. "When you came back to the clan, Firestar asked to speak with me. He asked me to leave the clan, he said it was for the best or something. I tried to come here... maybe you would escape and we could be together.... there was a monster and it was too late..."

Fang sat down. "There's got to be something we can do." She looked up at Juniper who was sitting near Shadowpelt.

"I'm sorry Fang. The wounds too deep, and she's lost a lot of blood already." 

Fang let out a soft wail and buried her muzzle into her mothers neck fur. She felt comforted by the warmth and the sweet scent that radiated off Shadowpelt. She felt Shadowpelt softly lick her head as her breathing became more shallow. Fang closed her eyes and felt the breathing come to a stop. She buried her muzzle deeper into the dark fur of her mother. She laid there until the warmth no longer remained. She stood up and looked down at Shadowpelt's body. 

A spark exploded inside her mind, this was all Firestar's fault. She flexed her claws growling, she was going to make him pay.

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