Prepare for War

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Fang was sitting next to a map of the forest that was drawn in dirt on the ground with her claws. A few other Bloodclan cats gathered around her. 

"So whats the plan?" Venom asked.

"Its simple." Fang stated raising her paw slightly. "We take out the weakest link." She swiped over the area of the map that was clearly the moor, where Windclan lives.


"Then we just continue, of course, Shadowclan has the reputation of siding with the enemy to save their own fur." Fang circled the marshy area. "But if they won't ally with us, we'll just have to take them out. Just. Like. Windclan."

A ginger tom looked up at her, his amber eyes sparking with excitement. "When do we leave."

"Be patient. We need to make sure we have everything prepared, so we win this battle." Fang assured him. "This time Bloodclan will win the battle, and we will rule the forest."

"So what do we do?" A silver she-cat asked. 

"We prepare for war." 


Fang's blue eyes peered through the bushes she was hiding in, she glanced over at Venom who was crouched next to her. They were waiting for a Windclan patrol to pass, of course getting caught was all apart of the plan. 

Someone nudged her she turned her gaze to the ginger tom next to her. "They're coming."

"Perfect." Fang muttered. She flicked her tail as she crawled out of the bush Venom and two other cats following close behind. She started walking towards the center of the territory, trying to make it seem like she didn't have an orchestrated attack ready.

"Halt! You're trespassing on Windclan territory."

Fang rolled her eyes. "Oh really." She unsheathed her claws and swished her tail. "I didn't notice." 

The three cats behind her sprang forwards attacking three out of the four cats on patrol. Their leader stood still in shock. Fang walked towards her. "Go get help." She whispered into her ear. The she-cat took off running towards her camp. At this point her colleagues had killed the other three patrol cats. 

She padded towards them stopping when she stepped in something wet, she lifted her white paw, disgusted when she realized she stepped in blood..  "Seriously, you guys made a huge mess."

"Uh, Fang, they're coming back."

Fang shook her paw and put it down. A army of Windclan cats stopped a few taillengths in front of them. 

"You're outnumbered." A black and white tom said, Fang new him, it was Tallstar.

"Not really." Fang glanced behind her as the Bloodclan cats began to emerge from the bushes. "I'm sorry Tallstar, but... I win."

As if on cue the Bloodclan cats leapt into action, and soon enough blood covered the grass and tufts of fur were floating in the air. Fang was battling Tallstar in a flurry of swipes and kicks. 

"I won't let you and your pack of mangy rouges take Windclan!" Tallstar hissed.

"Is that a threat?" Fang chuckled.

Tallstar let out a growl as he raked his paws across Fang's muzzle. Fang hissed and shook her head scattering blood everywhere. She leapt making it seem like she was going to attack Tallstar's back but she landed behind him confusing the old tom. She clamped her jaws around his hind leg biting hard until she tasted blood. Tallstar collapsed, and Fang towered over him. "Surrender."


Fang placed a paw on his neck. "Surrender or I'll kill every last cat in your clan."

Tallstar looked around the battlefield, watching his clan be slaughtered while others bled out on the ground. "Fine."

Fang gave him a smug look, and removed her paw. "Say it."

"Windclan retreat!"

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