The Final Battle

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Fang nervously approached the four trees, her clan behind her most of them limping. She drew in a breath of air. She had told them it would be best not to fight, but they all seemed so eager to go into battle. She lifted her head trying to look like a leader. And marched into the clearing in the middle of the fourtrees.

Firestar was there, Leopardstar and Tallstar beside him. Fang glanced over to her left where Blackstar was standing. She narrowed her eyes and glared at Firestar. She felt the familiar flame of anger spark inside her and soon enough she forgot about the wounded and set her mind on the battle that was coming. "I'll save the chit chat for later, lets get on with the battle."

There were a few eager murmurs behind her. Firestar nodded his head. "I see you've changed your mind about talking it out."

"Its no use. Its not like you'll listen to me." Fang replied, tilting her head to the side slightly. Bloodclan cats began to slowly approach the others before launching into battle. 

Fang managed to leap on top of Firestar clawing at his flank hissing. Fang blocked out the sounds of battle going on all around her and focused on beating Firestar. She'd have to kill him eight times and that would be hard. Then she heard a voices begin to echo in her head. Fang stop what you're doing, it isn't right. Hearing her mother's voice distracted her causing Firestar to land a blow to her cheek. "You're distracting me!" She muttered, trying to swat Firestar away.

Fang you have to listen-

"No!" Fang screeched before making a deep cut in Firestar's side. She stood back panting, then she heard a yowl. She snapped her head to the side to see Bramblepaw attacking Venom. She glanced back at Firestar before dashing to Venom's rescue. She charged into Bramblepaw's side pushing him off Venom. "It's nice to see you again." She teased.

Bramblepaw pushed her off him. "I see you decided to show up for the fight."

"Well your clan did injure a lot of my warriors, so consider this.... revenge?" 

Brambleclaw leapt at her tackling her to the ground. She winced as his claws dug into her shoulders. Fang began kicking her hind legs at his underbelly trying to push him off her or even wound him. She watched him raise his paw, she knew what he was going to do. This fox heart was going to kill her. She snorted. "Go ahead Bramblepaw, but I don't think your leader will be happy about this."

"Shut up." He growled, his paw began to swoop down towards her neck. Time seemed to slow for Fang. 

She heard Firestar yowling at Bramblepaw to stop. Then she felt pain slice through her neck, she felt the weight of Bramblepaw leave her and she rolled over, coughing and gasping. She began to crawl away but black dots began to cloud her vision. The ground was wet beneath her soaked with her blood, she stopped crawling and laid there. She glanced back at Bramblepaw who was watching. She wanted to say something to him like, you mouse brain, or fox heart, but she couldn't talk. She coughed up blood onto the ground before succumbing to the darkness. 

She awoke. Her fur was still matted with blood and wound on her neck was pretty fresh. She looked up at the sky. No star. She collapsed to the ground. She didn't want to be here, no, she wasn't supposed to be here. She heard a twig snap and watched as Scourge emerged from the bushes.

"Why are you here?" Fang growled. 

"You failed me." Scourge said. 

"What no I-" 

"Now you must walk alone in this forest decaying becoming nothing more than an old memory that will soon be forgotten." 

"Why you little-" She lunged at him but before her claws made contact he disappeared like a mist. 

Fang slumped down into the cold ground. This isn't over Scourge, I'll make you proud of me.

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