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Fang was currently trying to amuse herself by watching a few Bloodclan cats fight over a small scrap of food. After a few days of living there it became pretty obvious to Fang, that this clan is pathetic, it was nothing like the organized life of a Thunderclan cat. Besides there really wasn't a leader for these cats. Could she possibly use that to her advantage?

She smirked and walked in between the two fighting cats and grabbed the food, walking away proudly as the cats stared at her in awe. She heard a low hiss coming from one of them. "Give that back right now!"

Fang dropped the food and stared at the tom. "Why?"

"Because, I need to feed my kits."

Fang tilted her head, she only knew of a single litter of kits, never a second. "What's your name?"

"Venom." He said. Fang could see the worry start to cloud his eyes.

"Okay, Venom, are you lying? Last time I checked there was only one litter of kits here, and they belong to Sand and Frost."

"My mate just had them." He muttered.

"And you didn't care to inform the clan? Fang hissed.

"The clan doesn't care if you have kits! As long as you feed them, that's all that matters."

Fang felt guilt start to form in her belly. She looked down at the scrap of food, then back at Venom. "Show me where they are."

He opened his mouth to protest but snapped it shut when shot him an icy blue glare. He nodded and waited for Fang to catch up with him.

Venom led her towards the forest, then they suddenly stopped. Fang opened her jaws but couldn't catch the scent of kits, or any cats at all. She narrowed her eyes, had Venom lied to her. Her claws slid out and she let out a growl drawing her lip back into a snarl. She spun around to hit Venom, and it seems he had the same idea, he too was going to attack her.

Fang had landed a few good blows to the toms flank and muzzle, but he had somehow managed to pin her to the ground. She batted at his belly with her hind legs trying to get him off her. Realizing that her plan to kick him off wouldn't work she twisted her head and clamped down on his forepaw. He let out a shriek and tried to get her off, Fang held out and bit down harder feeling something crunch in her jaws. The tom let out a ear piercing cry and batted at Fangs head with his other paw.

At this point Fang was fed up with Venom, she let go of his forepaw and twisted her body, she slammed her paw on his neck, pinning him to the ground.

"P-please." He wheezed. "D-don't kill me."

"I'm wasn't going to." Fang said, earning a look of shock from the tom.


Fang lifted her paw off Venom and helped him stand. He leaned on her as they padded slowly back to the alley.

The cats that were present there began to crowd around the two. Fang guessed it was because no cat ever came back injured and looking for help. She left Venom's side and leapt up to the large dumpster.

"I know I've only been here for a few sunrises, but I have noticed that this clan has some flaws." She said confidently at the surrounding cats, some were even coming out of their hiding places their eyes glittering with curiosity. "And I know it seems drastic that I am proposing this, but... if you all allow me to be your leader, I can make this clan great again, just like my father did before me!"

"Leader?" A cat in the crowd said. "You're barely a full grown cat."

"I'm fourteen moons, I am more than capable of leading you all."

The crowd stayed silent, giving each other questioning glances. Venom stepped forward. "I lied to her. And instead of killing me she showed me mercy. I was confused but then I realized it, we are a clan, we are not supposed to kill each other, we are supposed to help each other. I say, we should let Fang be leader!"

Fang felt grateful for Venom stepping up for her. More and more cats began nodding their heads and shouting out their approval of Fang. Pride welled up inside her, she would make Bloodclan the greatest clan. She waited for the cats to quiet down.

"If we truly want to be a real clan, we have to act like one, you all should not be afraid to live here! I can tell some of you fear for your lives every time you wake up in the morning. As a clan we must trust each other in order to work together. My first order as your new leader, I want you all to get to know each other."

Fang jumped off of the dumpster and watched her clan, the cats were hesitant at first, but some of the braver ones decided to begin talking, soon all the cats were chatting away making friends. Fang watched them, they still had a long way to go.

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