Choose the Right Path

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Fang blinked open her eyes slowly half expecting to see the starless sky of the dark forest. But she was wrong, in front of her lay a vast open field lit up with starlight. Fang was confused as to who brought her here. 


Fang whirled around to stand face to face with Shadowpelt. "Shadowpelt?" 

"Fang, what are you doing?" Her mother's voice was full of hurt and concern.

"What... what do you mean?"

"Why are you killing all those cats?" 

Fang lashed her tail. "I'm doing it for you."

Shadowpelt sighed. "Fang, my death was merely an accident... don't blame anyone for it."

Fang dug her claws into the soft earth below her. "You wouldn't be dead if Firestar hadn't exiled you!"

"Fang listen..." Her mother's voice echoed off as the area around her swirled into a dark mist. "The flames of war are soon to be lit, and in time nothing will exist expect blood."

Images of cats jumping at each other teeth bared on a blood soaked battle field erupted around Fang. Fang flinched when she felt blood splash onto her face, she looked at where it had come from and gasped. It was her, ripping the throat of a warrior. She staggered backwards tripping over a body, she looked at the body and let out a shriek of terror it was Venom his eyes glazed with death blood oozing from his open mouth. She glanced around frantically as more and more cats fell until bodies littered the field and everything fell silent.

Shadowpelt came towards her, weaving through the bodies. "Fang, its not too late to change your mind, stop the war that is coming before you spill more blood. For the sake of you and the clans... choose the right path."

Fang felt herself being pulled from the dream, voices around her were shouting "Choose the right path." Over and over getting louder each time.

"Stop!" Fang screamed as she bolted upright. She was in her nest in Windclan's camp. She took in a deep breath and padded out of her den. She saw her clan practicing battle move on each other, every time a paw lashed forward Fang saw images of the dream. She had to stop this war.

A cream she-cat came bursting through the camp entrance, she had a wound on the side of her flank bleeding heavily.  "Thunderclan! They're here!"

Fang's ears perked up, she would have to fight this battle anyways. 

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