2. Thank you

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Thank you for the friendship,
Thank you for the smile.
Thank you for the love you showed me,
Though it was only for a while.

True my heart is broken and yes,
My eyes cry,
But thank you,
Im learning how to say goodbye.

Thank you for learning me the things i didn't know,
Thank you for showing me how to love and to let go.
Thank you for showing me the way things can go wrong,
And thank you for showing me how to stay strong.

We were trying to pretend that our friendship didn't exist,
But deep inside, we both know it wasn't supposed to end like this.
Just because we don't talk anymore,
Doesn't mean I no longer care,
It only means I miss you when you're not there.

I haven't forgotten about you,
I could never forget the friendship of us two.
I still care about you, more then ever,
I can't ignore you, never.

Every time I get the urge to talk to you,
I remember we're now strangers, if that's even true.
I just want to see that you're okay,
I don't care in what way.

But even though everything has changed,
I'm still here,

Thank you for showing me what missing is,
The way I just really miss your presence,
And thank you for this chance.

Maybe i'll never see you again,
Will it be the same as it always was by then,
The days have gone past,
But I know this is not forever,
This is not the first time,
And also not the last.

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